Module Eval

module Eval: sig .. end
Contains the core functions to evaluate 3110Caml expressions.

val vcompare : Ast.value -> Ast.value -> int
vcompare is the analog to OCaml's It compares two Ast.values, x,y and outputs 1 if x > y, 0 if x=y and -1 if x<y. The comparison operators are with respect to the "natural" ordering of each type.
val concat : Ast.environment -> Ast.environment -> Ast.environment
concat env env' concatenates the environments env and env'. It outputs a new environment containing the bindings of both env and env'.
val pattern_match : Ast.value -> Ast.pattern -> bool * Ast.environment
pattern_match v p takes the value v and the pattern p and outputs the following data:
  1. A bool that indicates whether the v matches the pattern p.
  2. An environment that contains the bindings of the variables in the pattern that witness the match.

val update : -> Ast.value -> Ast.environment -> unit
update x v env updates the value of the identifier x to the value v in the environment env.
val eval : Ast.expr -> Ast.environment -> Ast.value
eval contains the main logic for evaluating 3110Caml expressions. The evaluation model that we use is the environment model.
val eval_arith : Ast.expr -> Ast.expr -> Ast.environment -> (int -> int -> int) -> Ast.value
eval_arith is a helper function used to evaluate purely arithmetic expressions in 3110Caml. The arguments are two arithmetic expressions, and an environment that has assignments to their respective free variables, and a function that is used to combine the two Int values of the expressions after evaluation.
val eval_bool : Ast.expr ->
Ast.expr -> Ast.environment -> (bool -> bool -> bool) -> Ast.value
eval_bool is similar to eval_arith, but is used for boolean expressions.
val eval_comp : Ast.expr -> Ast.expr -> Ast.environment -> (int -> int -> bool) -> Ast.value
eval_comp is similar to eval_arith, but is used for expressions involving the polymorphic comparison operators.