Course information
This course does not have a required textbook. In the past, the following two textbooks have been used; you may find them useful:
- Pass and Tseng: Lecture Notes in Discrete Structures
- Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Rosen; McGraw-Hill (7th edition)
Course Administration
We are using the course management system, CMS. Please login to and check whether you are registered. There will be a list of courses you are registered for, and CS 2800 should be one of them. If not, please send your full name and Cornell netid to Professor Bailey so that he can register you. You can check your grades in CMS.
Homeworks and Grading
There will be weekly homeworks, 2 in-class prelims and a final exam.
- Prelim 1 is on 3/3/14
- Prelim 2 is on 4/16/14, in class or 7:30-9pm in Upson B17(Each student may pick one.)
- The final exam is on 5/12/14, 2pm, in TBD
The homeworks will be distributed on CMS. You must submit your homework as a PDF file. We recommend using LaTeX to type your homework, but you are free to use other tools, or to submit scanned handwritten work. If you choose the latter option, please ensure that your submission is legible.
Homeworks will be released on Friday, and due on Monday 10 days later. Homeworks will be due at 5PM.
Homework Policy
You are free to collaborate with other students on the homework, but you must turn in your own individually written solution. You are expected to understand all homework submitted under your name. It is a violation of this policy to submit a problem solution that you are unable to explain orally to a member of the course staff. It is a violation of the Academic Integrity Code to copy any one else’s solution.