Review Sessions for the 2nd And 3rd Weeks of May

Three review sessions are scheduled after May 5.

calendar fragment showing the 3 review sessions exams page exams page

The first two will be "ad hoc" question-and-answer sessions, held a week or so before the final exam...

  05/07  Monday    7pm - 9pm  in 111 Upson       Charles, André
  05/10  Thursday  7pm - 9pm  in 111 Upson       Sergei, Evan

...whereas the final one, the following Wednesday, will probably be "a bit more structured"...

  05/16  Wednesday 7pm - 9pm  in 111/111A Upson  Sergei, Ryan, Jon

The remaining days...

  05/06, 05/08, 05/09, 05/11-05/15, and 05/17

...will not have review sessions, but several alternative options for getting help will be available to you.