Office Hours for the 2nd And 3rd Weeks of May

Sergei and Ke will continue to hold office hours during the final two weeks of the semester:

  05/07  Monday     2:30pm -  3:30pm  in  318 Upson  Sergei
  05/07  Monday     3:30pm -  4:30pm  in 4162 Upson  Ke
  05/09  Wednesday 10:30am - 11:30am  in 4162 Upson  Ke
  05/11  Friday     2:30pm -  3:30pm  in  318 Upson  Sergei  (*)

  05/14  Monday     2:30pm -  3:30pm  in  318 Upson  Sergei
  05/14  Monday     3:30pm -  4:30pm  in 4162 Upson  Ke
  05/16  Wednesday 10:30am - 11:30am  in 4162 Upson  Ke
  05/16  Wednesday  2:30pm -  3:30pm  in  318 Upson  Sergei

Addendum: Nick will not be holding office hours, but you're welcome to email him if you'd like to set up an appointment.

Several other options for getting help are listed on the exams page.