2. Line numbers and other formatting preferences
To get the line numbers to appear in the editing pane of the Eclipse window, use menu item
Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors
A window like the one below will appear. Check the Show line numbers box.
We suggest also that you:
1. Set the displayed tab width to 4
2. Check the Show print margin box and set the print margin column to 80.
3. Check the Highlight current line box
4. Check the Show range indicator box
5. Check the Show affordance in hover ... box and choose theEnrich after delay
6. Enable Drag and drop of text
When done, click box OK.
Notice the first line under "Text Editors". It says that some editors may not honor all of these settings. By trial and error, we discovered that the Java editor may not honor the print margin column set to 80. Open some Java file in the Eclipse editing pane. Check to see whether the print-margin line is at 80 characters. If not, look at Preferences -> Java -> Code style -> Formatter. Select Edit and then Line Wrapping. Set the Maximum line width to 80.