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These subpages of the CS2110 website provide three resources:

1. Java HyperText provides a hyptertext list of concepts and definition in Java. Many entries have a 1-2-page pdf file attached, giving you all the details you need. Use this a your Java textbook for the course!

2. Explain Java Constructs give you exact ways that certain constructs, like the new-expression and the try-statement, are executed. Learn these by heart.

2. Eclipse provides useful information about the IDE Eclipse, from how to create a project to making line numbers appear on files being edited to how to make sure that a JUnit test did what it was supposed to do. Extremely useful!

3. A set of tutorials with videos that will be used for homework or in preparation for a recitation.

Some flipped recitations!

Just watching/listening to 50-minute lectures is not the most effective way to learn some topics. One learns better by doing. Therefore, several topics will be taught in a different manner.

Generally, one watches an instructor lecture and then goes off to study (or not, as the case may be). That study may not be very effective, especially if there is no required homework. Here, we flip this around. You watch some online lectures and then come to class and participate in doing some homework, with all the students and with the instructor walking around, helping.

Here are our some topics.

1. Java API specs and strings. We ask you to sudy this topic yourself, watching 15 minutes of videos (in total). Then, in a recitation, the TA will hand out problems for you to do on the topic during the recitation. The TA will walk around, answering questions and offering help when necessary. If an issue appears to stump many students, the TA may give a short (5-minute) presentation on that issue.

Attendance at this recitation is mandatory. Attendance will be factored into your total weighted grade score, in a way to be determined later.

2. Program correctness. We ask you to study this topic yourself, watching 20 minutes of videos (in total). and then do a homework, which you will hand in and which will be graded.

3. Exception handling. We ask you to study this topic, watching about 30 minutes of videos. Then, come to the recitation and work, as discussed in point 1.

4. Loop invariants and their use in developing algorithms. As with Exception Handling, you watch videos beforehand. Then, come to the recitation and work, as discussed in point 1.

5. Abstract classes and interfaces. You watch videos beforehand and then work on a homework set in recitation, as discussed in point 1.

6. Interfaces Iterator and Iterator. You watch 13.5 minutes of videos beforehand and then work on a homework set in recitation. You will modify your linked-list class that you developed in assignment A3 to allow the use of the for-each statement. Attendance at the recitation is mandatory
