public class ItemShears extends Item
appleGold, appleRed, arrow, axeDiamond, axeGold, axeSteel, axeStone, axeWood, bed, bFull3D, boat, bone, book, bootsChain, bootsDiamond, bootsGold, bootsLeather, bootsSteel, bow, bowlEmpty, bowlSoup, bread, brick, bucketEmpty, bucketLava, bucketMilk, bucketWater, cake, clay, coal, compass, cookie, diamond, doorSteel, doorWood, dyePowder, egg, feather, fishCooked, fishingRod, fishRaw, flint, flintAndSteel, gunpowder, hasSubtypes, helmetChain, helmetDiamond, helmetGold, helmetLeather, helmetSteel, hoeDiamond, hoeGold, hoeSteel, hoeStone, hoeWood, iconIndex, ingotGold, ingotIron, itemRand, itemsList, leather, legsChain, legsDiamond, legsGold, legsLeather, legsSteel, lightStoneDust, mapItem, maxStackSize, minecartCrate, minecartEmpty, minecartPowered, painting, paper, pickaxeDiamond, pickaxeGold, pickaxeSteel, pickaxeStone, pickaxeWood, plateChain, plateDiamond, plateGold, plateLeather, plateSteel, pocketSundial, porkCooked, porkRaw, record13, recordCat, redstone, redstoneRepeater, reed, saddle, seeds, shears, shiftedIndex, shovelDiamond, shovelGold, shovelSteel, shovelStone, shovelWood, sign, silk, slimeBall, snowball, stick, sugar, swordDiamond, swordGold, swordSteel, swordStone, swordWood, wheat
Constructor and Description |
ItemShears(int i) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
canHarvestBlock(Block block) |
float |
getStrVsBlock(ItemStack itemstack,
Block block) |
boolean |
onBlockDestroyed(ItemStack itemstack,
int i,
int j,
int k,
int l,
EntityLiving entityliving) |
getColorFromDamage, getContainerItem, getDamageVsEntity, getHasSubtypes, getIconFromDamage, getIconIndex, getItemName, getItemNameIS, getItemStackLimit, getMaxDamage, getPlacedBlockMetadata, getStatName, hasContainerItem, hitEntity, isDamagable, isFull3D, onCreated, onItemRightClick, onItemUse, onUpdate, saddleEntity, setContainerItem, setFull3D, setHasSubtypes, setIconCoord, setIconIndex, setItemName, setMaxDamage, setMaxStackSize, shouldRotateAroundWhenRendering
public boolean onBlockDestroyed(ItemStack itemstack, int i, int j, int k, int l, EntityLiving entityliving)
in class Item
public boolean canHarvestBlock(Block block)
in class Item
public float getStrVsBlock(ItemStack itemstack, Block block)
in class Item