public class ItemRecord extends Item
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
java.lang.String |
recordName |
appleGold, appleRed, arrow, axeDiamond, axeGold, axeSteel, axeStone, axeWood, bed, bFull3D, boat, bone, book, bootsChain, bootsDiamond, bootsGold, bootsLeather, bootsSteel, bow, bowlEmpty, bowlSoup, bread, brick, bucketEmpty, bucketLava, bucketMilk, bucketWater, cake, clay, coal, compass, cookie, diamond, doorSteel, doorWood, dyePowder, egg, feather, fishCooked, fishingRod, fishRaw, flint, flintAndSteel, gunpowder, hasSubtypes, helmetChain, helmetDiamond, helmetGold, helmetLeather, helmetSteel, hoeDiamond, hoeGold, hoeSteel, hoeStone, hoeWood, iconIndex, ingotGold, ingotIron, itemRand, itemsList, leather, legsChain, legsDiamond, legsGold, legsLeather, legsSteel, lightStoneDust, mapItem, maxStackSize, minecartCrate, minecartEmpty, minecartPowered, painting, paper, pickaxeDiamond, pickaxeGold, pickaxeSteel, pickaxeStone, pickaxeWood, plateChain, plateDiamond, plateGold, plateLeather, plateSteel, pocketSundial, porkCooked, porkRaw, record13, recordCat, redstone, redstoneRepeater, reed, saddle, seeds, shears, shiftedIndex, shovelDiamond, shovelGold, shovelSteel, shovelStone, shovelWood, sign, silk, slimeBall, snowball, stick, sugar, swordDiamond, swordGold, swordSteel, swordStone, swordWood, wheat
Modifier | Constructor and Description |
protected |
ItemRecord(int i,
java.lang.String s) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
onItemUse(ItemStack itemstack,
EntityPlayer entityplayer,
World world,
int i,
int j,
int k,
int l) |
canHarvestBlock, getColorFromDamage, getContainerItem, getDamageVsEntity, getHasSubtypes, getIconFromDamage, getIconIndex, getItemName, getItemNameIS, getItemStackLimit, getMaxDamage, getPlacedBlockMetadata, getStatName, getStrVsBlock, hasContainerItem, hitEntity, isDamagable, isFull3D, onBlockDestroyed, onCreated, onItemRightClick, onUpdate, saddleEntity, setContainerItem, setFull3D, setHasSubtypes, setIconCoord, setIconIndex, setItemName, setMaxDamage, setMaxStackSize, shouldRotateAroundWhenRendering
public boolean onItemUse(ItemStack itemstack, EntityPlayer entityplayer, World world, int i, int j, int k, int l)