public class ItemFlintAndSteel extends Item
appleGold, appleRed, arrow, axeDiamond, axeGold, axeSteel, axeStone, axeWood, bed, bFull3D, boat, bone, book, bootsChain, bootsDiamond, bootsGold, bootsLeather, bootsSteel, bow, bowlEmpty, bowlSoup, bread, brick, bucketEmpty, bucketLava, bucketMilk, bucketWater, cake, clay, coal, compass, cookie, diamond, doorSteel, doorWood, dyePowder, egg, feather, fishCooked, fishingRod, fishRaw, flint, flintAndSteel, gunpowder, hasSubtypes, helmetChain, helmetDiamond, helmetGold, helmetLeather, helmetSteel, hoeDiamond, hoeGold, hoeSteel, hoeStone, hoeWood, iconIndex, ingotGold, ingotIron, itemRand, itemsList, leather, legsChain, legsDiamond, legsGold, legsLeather, legsSteel, lightStoneDust, mapItem, maxStackSize, minecartCrate, minecartEmpty, minecartPowered, painting, paper, pickaxeDiamond, pickaxeGold, pickaxeSteel, pickaxeStone, pickaxeWood, plateChain, plateDiamond, plateGold, plateLeather, plateSteel, pocketSundial, porkCooked, porkRaw, record13, recordCat, redstone, redstoneRepeater, reed, saddle, seeds, shears, shiftedIndex, shovelDiamond, shovelGold, shovelSteel, shovelStone, shovelWood, sign, silk, slimeBall, snowball, stick, sugar, swordDiamond, swordGold, swordSteel, swordStone, swordWood, wheat
Constructor and Description |
ItemFlintAndSteel(int i) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
onItemUse(ItemStack itemstack,
EntityPlayer entityplayer,
World world,
int i,
int j,
int k,
int l) |
canHarvestBlock, getColorFromDamage, getContainerItem, getDamageVsEntity, getHasSubtypes, getIconFromDamage, getIconIndex, getItemName, getItemNameIS, getItemStackLimit, getMaxDamage, getPlacedBlockMetadata, getStatName, getStrVsBlock, hasContainerItem, hitEntity, isDamagable, isFull3D, onBlockDestroyed, onCreated, onItemRightClick, onUpdate, saddleEntity, setContainerItem, setFull3D, setHasSubtypes, setIconCoord, setIconIndex, setItemName, setMaxDamage, setMaxStackSize, shouldRotateAroundWhenRendering
public boolean onItemUse(ItemStack itemstack, EntityPlayer entityplayer, World world, int i, int j, int k, int l)