public class EntityWolf extends EntityAnimal
hasAttacked, playerToAttack
attackedAtYaw, attackTime, cameraPitch, deathTime, defaultPitch, entityAge, field_703_S, field_704_R, field_705_Q, field_9325_U, field_9326_T, field_9328_R, field_9345_F, field_9346_af, field_9349_D, field_9351_C, field_9353_B, field_9355_A, field_9358_y, field_9359_x, field_9360_w, field_9361_v, field_9362_u, field_9363_r, field_9365_p, health, heartsHalvesLife, hurtTime, isJumping, isMultiplayerEntity, maxHurtTime, moveForward, moveSpeed, moveStrafing, newPosRotationIncrements, newPosX, newPosY, newPosZ, newRotationPitch, newRotationYaw, numTicksToChaseTarget, prevHealth, prevRenderYawOffset, prevSwingProgress, randomYawVelocity, renderYawOffset, scoreValue, swingProgress, texture, unused_flag
addedToChunk, air, beenAttacked, boundingBox, chunkCoordX, chunkCoordY, chunkCoordZ, cloakUrl, dataWatcher, distanceWalkedModified, entityBrightness, entityCollisionReduction, entityId, fallDistance, field_9293_aM, fire, fireResistance, heartsLife, height, ignoreFrustumCheck, inWater, isCollided, isCollidedHorizontally, isCollidedVertically, isDead, isImmuneToFire, isInWeb, lastTickPosX, lastTickPosY, lastTickPosZ, maxAir, motionX, motionY, motionZ, noClip, onGround, posX, posY, posZ, prevDistanceWalkedModified, preventEntitySpawning, prevPosX, prevPosY, prevPosZ, prevRotationPitch, prevRotationYaw, rand, renderDistanceWeight, riddenByEntity, ridingEntity, rotationPitch, rotationYaw, serverPosX, serverPosY, serverPosZ, skinUrl, stepHeight, ticksExisted, width, worldObj, yOffset, ySize
Constructor and Description |
EntityWolf(World world) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
attackEntity(Entity entity,
float f) |
boolean |
attackEntityFrom(Entity entity,
int i) |
protected boolean |
canDespawn() |
protected boolean |
canTriggerWalking() |
protected void |
entityInit() |
protected Entity |
findPlayerToAttack() |
protected int |
func_25026_x() |
protected java.lang.String |
getDeathSound() |
protected int |
getDropItemId() |
java.lang.String |
getEntityTexture() |
float |
getEyeHeight() |
protected java.lang.String |
getHurtSound() |
float |
getInterestedAngle(float f) |
protected java.lang.String |
getLivingSound() |
int |
getMaxSpawnedInChunk() |
float |
getShadingWhileShaking(float f) |
float |
getShakeAngle(float f,
float f1) |
protected float |
getSoundVolume() |
java.lang.String |
getWolfOwner() |
boolean |
getWolfShaking() |
void |
handleHealthUpdate(byte byte0) |
boolean |
interact(EntityPlayer entityplayer) |
protected boolean |
isMovementCeased() |
boolean |
isWolfAngry() |
boolean |
isWolfSitting() |
boolean |
isWolfTamed() |
void |
onLivingUpdate() |
void |
onUpdate() |
void |
readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) |
float |
setTailRotation() |
void |
setWolfAngry(boolean flag) |
void |
setWolfOwner(java.lang.String s) |
void |
setWolfSitting(boolean flag) |
void |
setWolfTamed(boolean flag) |
protected void |
updatePlayerActionState() |
void |
writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) |
getBlockPathWeight, getCanSpawnHere, getTalkInterval
attackBlockedEntity, func_31026_E, getTarget, hasPath, setPathToEntity, setTarget
canBeCollidedWith, canBePushed, canBreatheUnderwater, canEntityBeSeen, damageEntity, dropFewItems, faceEntity, fall, func_27021_X, getCurrentTarget, getHeldItem, getItemIcon, getLook, getLookVec, getPosition, getSwingProgress, hasCurrentTarget, heal, isEntityAlive, isMovementBlocked, isOnLadder, isPlayerSleeping, jump, kill, knockBack, moveEntityWithHeading, onDeath, onEntityDeath, onEntityUpdate, performHurtAnimation, playLivingSound, rayTrace, setPositionAndRotation2, setSize, spawnExplosionParticle, updateRidden
addEntityID, addToPlayerScore, addVelocity, applyEntityCollision, dealFireDamage, dropItem, dropItemWithOffset, entityDropItem, equals, func_346_d, getBoundingBox, getCollisionBorderSize, getCollisionBox, getDataWatcher, getDistance, getDistanceSq, getDistanceSqToEntity, getDistanceToEntity, getEntityBrightness, getEntityFlag, getEntityString, getMountedYOffset, getShadowSize, getYOffset, handleLavaMovement, handleWaterMovement, hashCode, isBurning, isEntityInsideOpaqueBlock, isInRangeToRenderDist, isInRangeToRenderVec3D, isInsideOfMaterial, isInWater, isOffsetPositionInLiquid, isRiding, isSneaking, isWet, mountEntity, moveEntity, moveFlying, newDoubleNBTList, newFloatNBTList, onCollideWithPlayer, onKillEntity, onStruckByLightning, outfitWithItem, preparePlayerToSpawn, pushOutOfBlocks, readFromNBT, setBeenAttacked, setEntityDead, setEntityFlag, setInPortal, setLocationAndAngles, setOnFireFromLava, setPosition, setPositionAndRotation, setRotation, setVelocity, setWorld, updateCloak, updateFallState, updateRiderPosition, writeToNBT
public EntityWolf(World world)
protected void entityInit()
in class EntityLiving
protected boolean canTriggerWalking()
in class Entity
public java.lang.String getEntityTexture()
in class EntityLiving
public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound)
in class EntityAnimal
public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound)
in class EntityAnimal
protected boolean canDespawn()
in class EntityLiving
protected java.lang.String getLivingSound()
in class EntityLiving
protected java.lang.String getHurtSound()
in class EntityLiving
protected java.lang.String getDeathSound()
in class EntityLiving
protected float getSoundVolume()
in class EntityLiving
protected int getDropItemId()
in class EntityLiving
protected void updatePlayerActionState()
in class EntityCreature
public void onLivingUpdate()
in class EntityLiving
public void onUpdate()
in class EntityLiving
public boolean getWolfShaking()
public float getShadingWhileShaking(float f)
public float getShakeAngle(float f, float f1)
public float getInterestedAngle(float f)
public float getEyeHeight()
in class EntityLiving
protected int func_25026_x()
in class EntityLiving
protected boolean isMovementCeased()
in class EntityCreature
public boolean attackEntityFrom(Entity entity, int i)
in class EntityLiving
protected Entity findPlayerToAttack()
in class EntityCreature
protected void attackEntity(Entity entity, float f)
in class EntityCreature
public boolean interact(EntityPlayer entityplayer)
public void handleHealthUpdate(byte byte0)
in class EntityLiving
public float setTailRotation()
public int getMaxSpawnedInChunk()
in class EntityLiving
public java.lang.String getWolfOwner()
public void setWolfOwner(java.lang.String s)
public boolean isWolfSitting()
public void setWolfSitting(boolean flag)
public boolean isWolfAngry()
public void setWolfAngry(boolean flag)
public boolean isWolfTamed()
public void setWolfTamed(boolean flag)