Welcome to CS1132
Transition to MATLAB
Credits: 1.
Grade option: S/U
Prerequisite: one course in programming
Course ends on April 3.
Course description: A brief introduction to programming using Matlab. Covers the Matlab environment, assignment, conditionals, scripts, functions, iteration, and arrays, as well as graphics. It is assumed that the student knows basic procedural programming in a language like Java, C, C++, or Fortran.
Latest Announcements
If you need any help come to one of the optional sections:
- Mondays, 3:35-4:25, Upson 111
- Wednesday, 4:40-5:30, Hollister 314
Using/Installing Matlab on your computer
Students may use the software in any of the Engineering labs: it is already installed on those machines. For your own computer, you can purchase it from the Campus Store or Mathworks.
This self-paced course will teach you about computing using MATLAB. Topics include the Matlab environment, assignment, conditionals, scripts, functions, iteration, and arrays, as well as graphics.
How this course operates
This course is different from most of your courses, in the following ways.
- It is self-paced. The amount of material is consistent with that of a 4-week course. Some students may do it in fewer weeks, and some may take 5-6 weeks. The last day on which you may submit any work (homework or test) is April 3 (the end of week 10).
- Though S/U only, the course requires mastery of the material. If your programming assignments have errors or inadequacies, you will be asked to fix them. The two tests, which will not be overly difficult, must be passed at the 85% level —you may take a (version of a) test as many times as necessary, but only once a week and up to April 2. Tests will be held at least one evening a week until all enrolled students have passed or up to April 2, whichever happens earlier. The emphasis is on learning the material, but at your pace.
- No regular lectures! Instead, this web site contains short blectures (web lectures, lectures to be watched on the web) that are three to 10 minutes long, reading material, self-check exercises (not to be submitted), and two homework assignments. You will also need to read from the required textbook, which provides syntax summaries and other language details.
- You will have interaction with the course staff. In regular opitonal discussion periods, you can decide on what will be discussed, based on course material that you have studied but find difficult. A lab will be open several hours a day, and you can get as much 1-on-1 help from consultants as you need.
As you can see, we are trying several different features in this course. Your feedback will be requested at various times, so that we can improve.