About the CMS for CS1130
CS1130 uses the Computer Science Department's CMS (course management system) to maintain records of the assignments, quizzes, and tests that you have taken and passed.
The CMS is at this URL: cms.csuglab.cornell.edu/
Logging in to the CMS
Click the above link. A page will open, asking you for your Cornell netid and password. A page will then open, showing you the list of courses for which you have a CMS account.
The CMS course for this self-paced version of 1130 is
CS 1130
If you see
"CS 1130lec Transition to Object-Oriented Programming (Lectures)"
you are enrolled in one of the lecture sections and not the self-paced section. If you want the self-paced version, then you must change your section with the registrar. If you want the lectureversion, you should be reading the website for the lecture sections.
On 24 January evening, the CMS for CS1130 was populated with CS1130 students who were pre-enrolled by that date. If you don't appear to be in the CMS by 25 January, email Maria Witlox, the course administrator, and ask her to enroll you in the CMS. Make sure you include:
- your Cornell netid
- the fact that you want to enroll in the CMS for CS 1130, NOT CS 1130lec
If you drop the course or switch to the lecture section
If you drop the course or switch the lecture section, please email Maria Witlox, who is the course administrator, and ask to be removed from the CMS. You will receive emails broadcast from the CMS until you are removed.