In the list below, the links are ordered by what we think you should check most often throughout the semester first! Hence, the last item (#6) lists info unlikely to change during the semester, such as instructions and policies.

  1. Course schedule by date : includes lecture, lab, and assignment materials.

  2. Announcements : Canvas version (starts out compact, access requires begin enrolled in the class); one-page version (all announcement bodies on one page, no login required); important initial overview announcement

  3. Frequently accessed servers and sites :
    1. Lecture and lab (discussion section) times, location/links, and lead instructors.
    2. Textbook: Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist , 2nd Edition, Allen B. Downey. Optional, and free online. We will refer to it, but topic coverage and order diverges from our presentation. Consider it a good supplementary reference.
    3. Ed Discussions : post and/or answer questions. You can make your question anonymous to other students (staff will see the author names). NetID authentication required.
    4. Lab server : lab exercises
    5. CMS: main site for assignment submission and grade records. (We staff will automatically enroll students a little before the first assignment is released.) We have a CMS Usage Guide for CS1110. We also occasionally use Gradescope.
    6. CS1110 Python Tutor and original Python Tutor
    7. Python 3.8 Standard Library documentation ("API");

  4. Help, advice, and previous solutions
    1. Ed Discussions : post and/or answer questions. You can make your question anonymous to other students (staff will see the author names). NetID authentication required.
    2. Staff contact info and office/consulting hours
    3. Aside from CS1110 staff:
      1. The Academic Excellence Workshop (AEW) for CS1110
      2. CS1110-specific tutoring services that Cornell provides
      3. The Learning Strategies Center : how to study and manage time and stress; start-of-semester study skills online course , study-partner matching
    4. Advice: The CS 1110 Declassified Survival Guide , by Will Xiao, and assignment advice : starting, partnering
    5. Archived solutions from previous semesters: assignments ; exams
    6. CodingBat problems: strings, lists, logic, loops
    7. Review session material

  5. Exam information , including archive of previous exams and solutions

  6. Info unlikely to change during the semester
    1. Instructions : installing/accessing Python and Atom (even in cases when you don't have a working computer); using a command shell; CMS; Student Center section swaps and grade-option changes; register an exam conflict, get a form signed, become a consultant
    2. Policies: assessment/grading, collaboration and academic integrity, SDS accommodations, exams: modalities, conflicts; no overlapping (time-conflicting) enrollment permitted.
    3. Alternative courses
    4. ABET style syllabus ("syllabet"): .doc, .pdf
    5. Lightly edited version of the 2021-2022 Courses of Study entry:

CS 1110 - Introduction to Computing Using Python (MQR-AS, SMR-AS)
Fall, Spring, Summer. 4 credits. Fall, Summer: letter grades only; Spring: student option grading (no audit).

Programming and problem solving using Python. Emphasizes principles of software development, style, and testing. Topics include procedures and functions, iteration, recursion, arrays and vectors, strings, an operational model of procedure and function calls, algorithms, exceptions, object-oriented programming. Weekly labs provide guided practice on the computer, with staff present to help. [...]

Forbidden Overlap:
Students may not enroll in CS 1110 if they have taken or are also enrolled in CS 2110/ENGRD 2110, CS 2112, or have taken or are currently enrolled in a course offered or cross-listed with a CS number 3000 or above. (Students looking to learn Python rather than learn how to program should take CS 1133 instead.) Students who have affiliated with the computer-science major may not enroll.

Due to a partial overlap in content, students will receive 6 credits instead of 8 if they take CS 1110 and one of the following: CS 1112, CS 1115, INFO 1100, VISST 1100.

Prerequisites: Assumes basic high school mathematics. No calculus or programming experience required.