CS 1110 Introduction to Computing using Java    Fall 2010  
9367 TR 09:05 Hollister B14 Instructors: David Gries and Lillian Lee  
9369 TR 11:15 Hollister B14 Grade: letter or S/U.   Credits: 4

Course materials

The text for programming in Java

The main text for CS1110 is Multimedia Introduction to Programming Using Java, by Paul and David Gries. This is a paper text together with a CD, called ProgramLive, which is "livetext". It comes on a CD and has over 250 recorded lectures, with synched animation. The text for each lecture is readily available (and you could print them out). The availability of recorded lectures makes it easy for you to listen to material as often as and whenever you wish. Moreover, some concepts are made far more understandable using recorded lectures rather than printed material.

In addition, the livetext has an extensive glossary, a hypertexted index, lab material, and much more. Make heavy use of it! Finally, the livetext comes with a workbook, which we will reference from time to time.

So, listen to and watch the CD ProgramLive often.

The CD should be in the sleeve in the back inside cover, and the sleeve should have an adhesive-backed piece of paper with the serial number.

Missing serial number or CD?

If you just need a serial number, use SXUWRNHT .

If you bought a book that does not have a CD and use a Windows-based system, then do this:

  1. Download and set up PLive
    1. Visit extras.springer.com, enter the ISBN of the book (exactly: 978-0-387-22681-1), and click button GO.
    2. On the page that opens, click to Download Entire Contents (273.9MB)
    3. Unzip the downloaded file and store its contents in a file named, say, PLive.
  2. Start PLive for the first time
    1. In folder PLive, click application ProgramLive.exe. A window will open.
    2. In the window, click "New student file". You will be asked for your name and serial number. Use serial number SXUWRNHT. You will be asked to "Save this document as" something. Saving it will save the serial number so you don't have to type it every time. Give it a name that you can remember, and save it in folder PLive (or wherever you want).
    3. PLive has started, and you can use it.
  3. Start PLive after the first time (after you have saved the serial number as specified in step 2.2 above).
    1. In folder PLive, cick application ProgramLive.exe. A window will open.
    2. In the window, click "Open student file". In the window that opens, double click the file name that you saved in step 2.2 above.
    3. PLive has started, and you can use it

If you bought a book that does not have a CD and use a Macintosh, then do this:

  1. Download and set up PLive
    1. Download PLive from the course website. The file, ProgramLive.dmg, is 310MB, so it will take time.
    2. You can put ProgramLive.dmg on a CD and work with the CD, but if you have room on your harddrive, it is better to use it from the harddrive. We give directions for keeping it on your harddrive.
    3. Double-click on file ProgramLive.dmg. A window will open with ten items in it.
    4. Create a folder, call it PLive, where you want the final PLive application to be and copy all ten items to it.
  2. Start PLive for the first time
    1. In folder PLive, click application ProgramLive. A window will open.
    2. In the window, click "New student file". You will be asked for your name and serial number. Use serial number SXUWRNHT. You will be asked to "Save this document as" something. Saving it will save the serial number so you don't have to type it every time. Give it a name that you can remember, and save it in folder PLive (or wherever you want).
    3. PLive has started, and you can use it.
  3. Start PLive after the first time (after you have saved the serial number as specified in step 2.2 above).
    1. In folder PLive, cick application ProgramLive. A window will open.
    2. In the window, click "Open student file". In the window that opens, double click the file name that you saved in step 2.2 above.
    3. PLive has started, and you can use it.


This course will use iclickers in many lectures, for quizzes, to learn how you think the lecture is going, to see how well you understand what has been presented, and so forth. Iclickers will be used often. You can buy an iclicker at the Campus bookstore, and you may be able to use it in several of your courses over the years.

Everyone who registers in this course is expected to have an iclicker and to bring it to class every day.

Use of someone else's iclicker, either because you forgot yours or because they can't be there and asked you to click theirs once or twice, is a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity and will be prosecuted.

Other Java texts

You may use any other text that you wish as a reference, although with the course text and accompanying CD, another text should not be necessary. Here is a sample of conventional texts:

  • Cai Horstmann, Big Java. John Wiley, 2002. (Horstmann has some other books that you might use.)
  • Nino/Hosch, Introduction to Programming and Object Oriented Design using Java. John Wiley, 2002.
  • Lewis/Loftus, Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design (3rd edition). Addison-Wesley, 2000.

The University Library maintains a number of books on reserve, including the required and optional textbooks for this course.

USB storage devices

You may need a USB storage device, often called a "storage key". If you don't have one, in the ACCEL lab, you can email yourself the files at the end of the lab.

You need some way to save your work that you do in the labs because:

  • No personal files may be left on CIT's public machines.
  • CIT frequently cleans out files on the public machines.

So, you must store your files on your own disks.

REMEMBER: Back up your work regularly to protect yourself in case something is lost, e.g. the night before the due date.