CS 1110 Introduction to Computing using Java    Fall 2010  
9367 TR 09:05 Hollister B14 Instructors: David Gries and Lillian Lee  
9369 TR 11:15 Hollister B14 Grade: letter or S/U.   Credits: 4

Schedule of consultant hours, CS1110-CS1130


This schedule will be updated regularly —whenever there is a change. Hours can change on a weekly basis, depending on what is going on in the course that week (for instance, if an assignment is due or not), so please check here first.

Consulting hours are held whenever there is a time slot listing a consultant's name (so, don't try to attend something called "Consultant meeting"!), and are located in the ACCEL lab green room.

The supervising consultant is David Vieira, dcv22. The consultants are:
Ansu Abraham, aaa98 Deepak Bapat, dab352 Jessseon Chang, jsc282 Unsoi Chio, uc35
Dhanat (June) Choong, dc557 Justin Churchill, jec324 Zhe Ran (Susan) Duan, zd32 Nicole Kim, nk297
Jean Lee, jhl233 Jun Ma, jm787 Katie Lee Meusling, kam373 Lipeng Peng, lp256
Thomas Rudelius, twr27 Fahad Saleh, fs226 Jiaxi (Bebe) Shi, js2223 Shihui (Sweet) Song, ss2249
Josh Taillon, jat255 Meng Rick Yan, my259 David Vieira, dcv22 Stephen Wu, shw46
Ada Zhang, awz5      

For those interested, this calendar is maintained on google.com/calendar.