Please make use of the resources that the Course Staff have to offer
Following these guidelines makes your messages friendlier and more accessible, thus making your questions more likely to be answered. CIT maintains a list of conventions, as well. Other netiquette conventions are reasonable, but please first follow the course conventions.
Program | Description |
Academic Support Services For Engineering Students | - This site has links to a variety of services. |
Tau Beta Pi | Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Tutoring Program: The members of Tau Beta Pi, selected for their academic aptitude and social commitment, hold one-on-one tutoring sessions with students in courses that typically have a large enrollment of engineers. |
www.ivytutoring.net | An independent tutoring service (not associated with or endorsed by Cornell) |
Free Computer Training | CIT offers free computer training throughout the semester. You may also e-mail tts_consult@cornell.edu for an appointment. |
Engineering Advising | Academic advising for engineering students. |
Arts College Student Services | This website is a listing of general support services for a variety of concerns students may have. |
Gannett | For all health related concerns, visit Gannett, which is the Cornell University Health Service Center. |
CAPS | If you have emotional distress, we urge you to contact CAPS, the Counseling and Psychological Services. |
Dear Uncle Ezra | When all else fails, ask Uncle Ezra! |