CS100M --> Staff            

For Office Hours during study week, please see here




















Name E-mail Phone Location and Hours
K-Y. Daisy Fan dfan@cs.cornell.edu 255-1181 5141 Upson
Open: M 11:00am-noon 
            T 3:00-4:00pm
            W 11:00am-noon
            R 3:00-4:00pm
            (Cancelled on 2/28, 3/12, 3/13, 4/3, 4/24)
Appt: contact Kelly Patwell to make an appointment
Paul Chew chew@cs.cornell.edu 255-9217 494 Rhodes
Open: T 2:00 - 3:00
            R 2:00 - 3:00
            (Cancelled on 4/10)
Appt: contact Paul Chew to make an appointment
Teaching Assistants   (SI: Section Instructor)
Yeounoh Chung yc336@cornell.edu   328B, bay D Upson
Open: F 11:00am-noon
Alexandra Denby ajd45@cornell.edu   328B, bay D Upson
Open: W noon-1:00pm
Siddharth Gauba sg334@cornell.edu   328B, bay D Upson
Open: W 10:00am-11:00am
Madhu Kurup mmk222 at cornell.edu   328B, bay D Upson
Open: W 7:00-8:00pm
Aaron Lenfestey lenfestj@cs.cornell.edu   Upson 4154
Open: T 3:00-4:00pm
            R 3:00-4:00pm
Anton Morozov amoroz@cs.cornell.edu   328B, bay D Upson
Open: R noon-1:00pm
Madhukaran Murali mm769@cornell.edu   328B, bay D Upson
Open: M noon-1:00pm
Chris Scheper cjs73@cornell.edu   Rhodes 657
Open: M 1:00-2:00pm
            R 2:00-3:00pm
Sucheta Soundarajan sucheta@cs.cornell.edu   Open: M 5:00-6:00pm in 328D Upson
            W 3:30-4:30pm in
4106 Upson (on 4/30, moved to 4:15-5:15)
Kenneth Tsung kpt8@cs.cornell.edu   328B, bay D Upson
Open: T noon-1:00pm
Ainur Yessenalina ainur@cs.cornell.edu   328B, bay D Upson
Open: F 10:00-11:00am and 4:30 -5:30pm
      ACCEL Green Room, upstairs in the Engr library
Sunday to Thursday 2:30pm to 11pm
Administrative Assistant to Instructor
Kelly Patwell patwell@cs.cornell.edu 255-7790 UP 5147
Open: MTWRF 9-11am, 1:30-4:00 pm

Appointments with TAs: The TAs office hrs are walk-in. If you would like to make an appt with a TA, please email them directly.

You can use any TA's office hours and appointment times, not just those offered by your section instructor.