CS100M Staff & Additional Help
Course Instructor
Section Instructors & Teaching Assistants
Course Administrator
Additional Help

Summary of Hours (pronunciation guide) (chart of times)

People Office&Phone Office Hours: Time ... Location
Course Instructor
Thomas K Yan
Read this before sending e-mail
322 Upson
open:  2:30 -  4:00 pm Mon
appt: Send e-mail
Section Instructors
Daisy Fan
203 Hollister
open:  1:00 -  2:00 pm Wed
appt:  9:30 - 10:00 am Wed
appt: 10:00 - 10:30 am Wed
207 Hollister,
not 203
Tibor Janosi
5154 Upson
open: 11:10 - 12:10 pm Wed
appt:  2:20 -  2:50 pm Wed
appt:  2:50 -  3:20 pm Wed
Mike Singer
657 Rhodes
open: 10:00 - 11:00 am Tue
appt: 11:00 - 11:30 am Tue
appt: 11:30 - 12:00 pm Tue
328D Upson,
not 657 Rhodes
Yuzheng Ying
393 Rhodes
open:  2:00 -  3:00 pm Wed
appt:  2:30 -  3:00 pm Fri
appt:  3:00 -  3:30 pm Fri
Teaching Assistants
Andy Chu
No Office open:  4:30 -  5:30 pm Mon
appt: 11:00 - 11:30 am Fri
appt: 11:30 - noon     Fri
328C Upson
328D Upson
328D Upson
Nidhi Loyalka
No Office open:  1:30 -  2:30 pm Mon
appt: 10:30 - 11:00 am Wed
appt: 11:00 - 11:30 am Wed
328D Upson
David Wang
No Office open:  4:25 -  5:25 pm Thu
appt:  5:25 -  5:55 pm Thu
appt:  5:55 -  6:25 pm Thu
328D Upson
Donghui Yan
No Office open:  1:30 -  2:30 pm Wed
appt: 10:10 - 10:40 am Thu
appt: 10:10 - 10:40 am Fri
Carpenter Lab
328D Upson
328D Upson
Qinghong Zhang
No Office open:  1:30 -  2:30 pm Tue
appt:  1:30 -  2:00 pm Thu
appt:  2:00 -  2:30 pm Thu
328D Upson
Course Administrator
Laurie J. Buck
303 Upson
open:  1:30 -  4:00 pm Mon-Thur
open:  1:30 -  3:00 pm Fri

Course Instructor
To see the course instructor outside of class, go to Open office hours (available for everyone) or send e-mail to set up a private appointment. Back to Top

Section Instructors and Teaching Assistants
You may attend the office hours of ANYONE on the course staff, even if that person is not your section instructor! The following instructors offer open office hours and tutoring appointments:
  • Open office hours: anyone can show up without an appointment.
  • Appointments: you can make a private appointment for a 1/2 hour session for yourself or a group.
  • Call or visit the Undergraduate Office in Upson 303 (255-0982, M-F 9:30-4:30) to sign up for tutoring appointments if you are having trouble with the course.
  • You must sign up at least 24 hours in advance.
  • If you need to cancel an appointment, you must call the undergraduate office in advance.
  • If you miss two tutoring appointments without calling to cancel, you will not receive further appointments. Click here to see current list of appointments.

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    The consultants keep hours (click for schedule) in the Carpenter Lab. The consultants will: Back to Top

    Course Administrator
    Contact the course administrator Laurie Buck if you: The course administrator does not answer technical questions that pertain to the content of CS100. Furthermore, the course administrator only records scores, she does not determine letter grades. Direct questions about letter grades to the course instructor.

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    Online Help

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    Additional Help
    Cornell has a number of additional programs and groups that offer tutoring, advice, counseling, and other helpful things:
    Program Description
    Academic Support Services For Engineering Students Start here -- This site has links to a variety of services.
    Free Computer Training CIT offers free computer training throughout the semester. You may also e-mail tts_consult@cornell.edu for an appointment.
    Student Web Services This website collects services that are more general.
    Engineering Advising Academic advising for engineering students.
    Arts College Student Services This website is a listing of general support services for a variety of concerns students may have.
    Tau Beta Pi Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Tutoring Program: The members of Tau Beta Pi, selected for their academic aptitude and social commitment, hold one-on-one tutoring sessions with students in courses that typically have a large enrollment of engineers.
    Learning Styles Not everyone learns the same way. If you are curious about how you learn, check out the Index of Learning Styles, which is found on this collection of educational resources. 
    Gannett For all health related concerns, visit Gannett, which is the Cornell University Health Service Center.
    CAPS If you have emotional distress, we urge you to contact CAPS, the Counseling and Psychological Services.
    Dear Uncle Ezra When all else fails, ask Uncle Ezra!

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