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Date Topic Suggested Review/Information
T 1/25 Introduction, Course Administration, Problem Solving, Algorithms,Programming, Language Elements L&L: 1.1-1.5
JL: 1.1-1.6
R 1/27 Variables, Declarations, Assignments, Primitive Data Types, Operations, Conditionals/Selection Statements L&L: 2.1-2.4, 2.6-2.7 (Random and Math Classes), 3.1-3.9
JL: 2.1-2.6 (skip Graphics for now), 2.7 (exit only)
T 2/1 Conditionals, I/O L&L: 3.1-3.2, 3.4 (skip switch)
JL: 2.4, 2.5, 5
Project 1 Due
R 2/3 Loops, increment operators L&L: 3.4-3.6
JL: 12
T 2/8 Loops L&L: 3.4-3.6
JL: 12
R 2/10 Nested Loops, problem solving tips for loops L&L 3.4-3.6
JL: 12
Project 2 Due
F 2/11 Last day to add courses Last day to add courses
T 2/15 Objects, classes, references L&L: 2.1,2.5-2.7,4.1-4.2
Prelim 1
R 2/17 OOP: balls! (see ball0 in Examples) L&L: 2.1,2.5-2.7,4.1-4.2
T 2/22 OOP: aliases, methods  L&L: 5.1 (p 222-225), 4.3-4.5
Project 3 Due
R 2/24 OOP: methods see 2/22 readings
T 2/29 OOP: methods, null, this L&L 4.3-4.5, 5.1
R 3/2 OOP: methods&has-a, this, has-a, Strings as objects, graphics L&L 1.6&2.9-2.10 (graphics), 2.5 (Strings), 4.3-4.5 (methods continued, see has-a on 4.4), p 230-231 (this)
T 3/7 OOP: constructors, method overloading, "pass by reference" L&L: 2.5, 4.2 (p 178-181), p194, 4.5
R 3/9 OOP: "pass by reference", modifiers, encapsulation L&L: pg 30, pg 64, 4.2, 5.1-5.2
Project 4 Due
F 3/10 Last day to drop courses Last day to drop courses
T 3/14 OOP: encapsulation, modifiers L&L: pg 30, pg 64, 4.2, 5.1-5.2
R 3/16 OOP: modifiers, strings L&L: 5.2, 2.2, 2.5, p739-741
Prelim 2
T 3/28 Arrays L&L: 6.1-6.4
R 3/30 Arrays L&L: 6.1-6.4
Project 5 Due
T 4/4 Arrays L&L: 6.1-6.4
R 4/6 Arrays L&L: 6.1-6.4
T 4/11 Arrays (2D, methods) L&L: 6.1-6.4
R 4/13 Arrays (sorting, searching) L&L: 6.1-6.4
Project 6 Due
T 4/18 Inheritance L&L: 7.1-7.5
Prelim 3
R 4/20 Inheritance L&L: 7.1-7.5
T 4/25 Inheritance, Matab L&L: 7.1-7.5
R 4/27 Inheritance, Matab L&L: 7.1-7.5
T 5/2 Matab
R 5/4 Matab Last class
Project 7 Due
T 5/16 Summary Final Exam

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