Programming Assignments
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# | Assignment | Codes | Solution |
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3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
7b |
Submission Rules
Submit either in lecture or in Carpenter Lab. The first line in the first program of your submission should have a comment that includes your name and Cornell ID. This should be the top page of what you turn in and it must be signed. You are allowed to work with a single partner. One submission per group and it must be signed by both parties and include a first-page comment that lists both names and IDs. It is assumed that you understand the CS 100 Academic Integrity Policy.
Picking Up Graded Programs
Programs are usually graded within 5-7 days. We announce in lecture and on the website when they are available for pick-up. They are returned in Carpenter Lab. There is a regrade procedure.
You may work with (at most) one other person on a given programming assignment. .
The other person will receive for their records a cover sheet that indicates the score received.
Working with a partner can be very helpful both in getting assignments to work and in clarifying your understanding of the underlying concepts. However, for these benefits to accrue, it is important that both partners contribute equally to the finished product.
Students who are struggling with the course material are advised not to do the assignments with a partner in order to force contact with the CS 100 staff.