CS 100: Programming Assignment P3
// This class contains methods that can be used to answer various // combinatoric questions that involve binomial coefficients. public class MyMath { // The class constants:1 point correctness and 1 point style. // -1 style if no comments public static final int KMAX = 100; // Iteration maximum for square root public static final double TOL = .0000000000000001; // Square root tolerance public static final double PI = 3.14159265358979; public static final double E = 2.71828182845905; // The square root method = 2 points correctness + 1 point style // -1 style if NO comments to assist in understanding the loop. // -1 style if specification inadequate. // While loop condition 2 points. -1 if "or" instead of 'and" // One point for the right loop body. // Yields the square root of x. // The value of x must be nonnegative. public static double sqrt(double x) int k; // Counts the number of square root improvements double y; // The kth improvement. k=0; y=x; while(k<KMAX && abs(x-y*y)/x > TOL) { y = (y+x/y)/2.0; k++; } return y; } // Absolute value method: 1 point correctness and 1 point style // -1 if specification inadequate // Yields the absolute value of x. public static double abs(double x) { if (x>=0) {return x;} else {return -x;} } // The binCoeff Method = 3 points correctness + 1 point style // 1 point for loop range, 1 point for loop body, 1 point for k = n-k idea // -1 style if correct but change output or input type to double // -1 style inadequate specification // -1 style if NO comments to help follow what the loop is doing. // Yields the binomial coefficient n-choose-k. // Assumes that 0<=k<=n. public static long binCoeff(int n, int k) { long y = 1; if (k>n/2) // It pays to compute n-choose-(n-k) so reset k. {k=n-k;} for(int j=0;j<k;j++) {y = (y*(n-j))/(j+1);} // y is n-choose-j return y; } // The pow Method = 2 points correctness + 1 point style // 1 point for loop range, 1 point for loop body // -1 style if correct but change output or input type to double // -1 style inadequate specification (must say n nonnegative) // -1 style if NO comments to help follow what the loop is doing. // Yields x raised to the nth power. // Assumes that n is nonnegative. public static double pow(double x,int n) { double y = 1; for(int k=1;k<=n;k++) {y = y*x;} // y is x-to-the-k return y; } // The stirling method = 1 point correctness + 1 point style // -1 style if inadequate specification (should say n nonnegative but ok not to) // Yields Stirling's approximation to n! // Assumes n is nonnegative. public static double stirling(int n) { if (n==0) {return 1.0;} else {return sqrt(2*PI*n)*pow(n/E,n);} } // The binCoeffAppx method = 1 point correctness + 1 point style // -1 style if inadequate specification (must say 0<=k<=n)) // Yields an approximation to the binomial coefficient n-choose-k. // Assumes that 0<=k<=n. public static double binCoeffApprx(int n, int k) { return stirling(n)/(stirling(k)*stirling(n-k)); } }
P3A.java Output:
The square root of one million = 1000.000000000000000 The absolute value of -10 is 10.0 The absolute value of 10 is 10.0 The number of possible 5-card poker hands = 2598960 The binomial coefficient 52-choose-47 = 2598960 The 50th power of two = 1125899906842624 The Stirling approximation to 5! = 118.01916795758895 The approximate number of 5-card poker hands = 2643031 An approximation to 100-choose-30 = 2.9464561071296764E25
// P3B = 1 points correctness + 1 point style // -1 style if output table really bad. // -1 correctness if the binCoeff implementation done in a way that results in // integer arithmetic overflow. // Warning but no points off if 4-choose-2 not out of loop // P3B: The probability of having exactly one pair in an n-card poker hand. import java.io.*; public class P3B { public static void main(String args[]) { TokenReader in = new TokenReader(System.in); System.out.println("P is the probability of having exactly one pair in"); System.out.println("an n-card hand.\n"); System.out.println(" n P"); System.out.println("----------------------"); double factor = 13.0*MyMath.binCoeff(4,2); // A common factor in the probabilities. double prob; // The probability pn. for(int n=2;n<=14;n++) { prob = factor*MyMath.binCoeff(12,n-2)*MyMath.pow(4,n-2)/(double) MyMath.binCoeff(52,n); Format.print(System.out,"%3d ",n); Format.println(System.out," %10.4f",prob); } in.waitUntilEnter(); } }
P3B Output:
P is the probability of having exactly one pair in an n-card hand. n P ---------------------- 2 0.0588 3 0.1694 4 0.3042 5 0.4226 6 0.4855 7 0.4728 8 0.3923 9 0.2751 10 0.1599 11 0.0745 12 0.0262 13 0.0062 14 0.0007