Week |
Date |
Notes, Readings, and HW |
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Tue, Jan 21 |
Thu, Jan 23 |
Optimization and linear algebra refresher
ESL, sec 3.1-3.2
ALA, sec 3.2-3.2
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Tue, Jan 28 |
Regularized linear least squares
Thu, Jan 30 |
Sparse least squares and iterations
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Tue, Feb 04 |
Stochastic gradients, scaling, and Newton
Thu, Feb 06 |
Randomized numerical linear algebra
Finding Structure with Randomness: Probabilistic Algorithms for Constructing Approximate Matrix Decompositions, Halko, Martinsson, and Tropp, SIREV, 2011.
LSRN: A Parallel Iterative Solver for Strongly Over- or Under-Determined Systems, Meng, Saunders, Mahoney, SISC 2014
Sec 5, Lectures on Randomized NLA, Drineas and Mahoney
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Tue, Feb 11 |
Latent factor models
Thu, Feb 13 |
SVD and other low-rank decompositions
On the relationships between SVD, KLT, and PCA, Gerbrands, Pattern Recognition, 1981
Trace optimization and eigenproblems in dimension reduction methods, Kikiopoulou, Chen, and Saad, NLAA 2010
On the compression of low rank matrices, Cheng, Gimbutas, Martinsson, and Rokhlin, SISC 2005
CUR matrix decompositions for improved data analysis, Mahoney and Drineas, PNAS 2009
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Tue, Feb 18 |
February break |
Thu, Feb 20 |
Non-negative matrix factorization
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (Gillis), Chapter 1
The Whys and Hows of NMF, Gillis
Learning the parts of objects by non-negative matrix factorization, Lee and Seung, Nature, 1999
Computing a nonnegative matrix factorization – provably, Arora, Ge, Kannan, and Moitra, SICOMP, 2016
When Does NMF Give a Correct Decomposition into Parts?, Donoho and Stodden, NeurIPS, 2003
Algorithms for NMF and NTFs: a unified view based on block coordinate descent framework, Kim, He, and Park, J. Glob. Optim, 20113
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Tue, Feb 25 |
Tensor basics, HOSVD, Tucker, and ALS
Tensor Decompositions for Data Science, Kolda and Ballard
Tensor Decompositions and Applications, Kolda and Bader, SIREV, 2009
Tensor Computations and Applications in Data Mining, Elden, slides from SIAM AM 2008
Tensors for Data Mining and Data Fusion, Papalexakis, Faloutsos, and Sidriropoulos, ACM TIS, 2016
Thu, Feb 27 |
CP decomposition and algorithms, CUR and tensor trains
Tensor Decompositions and Applications, Kolda and Bader, SIREV, 2009
Tensor Decompositions: A Mathematical Tool for Data Analysis, Kolda, slides from JMM 2018
Epsilon-ALS for Orthogonal Low-Rank Tensor Approximation, Yang, SIMAX 2020
Low Multilinear Rank Approximations of Tensors, Che, Wei, and Yan, SIMAX 2020
Low-Rank Approximation in the Frobenius Norm by Column and Row Subset Selection, Cortinovis and Kressner, SIMAX 2020
Stochastic Gradients for Large-Scale Tensor Decomposition, Kolda and Hong, SIMODS 2020
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Tue, Mar 04 |
Many interpretations of kernels
ESL, sec 14.5.4
Kernel techniques: From machine learning to meshless methods, Schaback and Wendland, Acta Numerica 2006
Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning, Rasumussen and Williams, 2006 - read Ch 1
Kernel Methods in ML, Hoffman, Scholkopf, Smola, Annals of Statistics, 2008
Spline Models for Observational Data, Wahba, SIAM 1990 - read the foreword in particular
Thu, Mar 06 |
Approaches to kernel selection
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Tue, Mar 11 |
Computing with kernels
Thu, Mar 13 |
Scalable kernel methods
Kernel Interpolation for Scalable Structured GPs, Wilson and Nickisch, ICML 2015
Scalable Log Determinants for GP Kernel Learning, Eriksson et al, NeurIPS 2017
Scaling GP Regression with Derivatives, Dong et al, NeurIPS 2018
Exact GPs on a Million Data Points, Wang et al, NeurIPS 2019
Fast estimation of tr(f(A)) via stochastic Lanczos quadrature, Ubaru, Chen, and Saad, SIMAX 2017
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Tue, Mar 18 |
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction
A global geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction, Tenenbaum, de Silva, and Langford, Science 2000
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding, Roweis and Saul, Science 2000
Visualizing Data using t-SNE, van der Maaten and Hinton, JMLR 2008
Dimensionality Reduction: A Comparitive Review, van der Maaten, Postma, and van den Herik, Tech report 2009
Dimension Reduction: A Guided Tour, Burges, FTML 2009
Global versus local methods in nonlinear dimensionality reduction, de Silva and Tenenbaum, NeurIPS 2003
Large-scale SVD and manifold learning, Talwalkar, Kumar, Mohri, and Rowley, JMLR 2013
Accelerating t-SNE using tree-based algorithms, van der Maaten, JMLR 2014
Fri, Mar 21 |
Function approximation fundamentals
Nonlinear Approximation, DeVore, Acta Numerica 1998 - long, but please do read sections 1 and 9 at least
Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice, Trefethen, SIAM 2019 - a beautiful text, focused on polynomial and rational approximation in 1D; useful to skim, don’t consider it assigned reading
A Course in Approximation Theory, Cheney and Light, AMS 2009 - again, not considered assigned reading (unless you want to do DNN approximation, in which case please read ch 23-25)
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Tue, Mar 25 |
Low-dim structure in function approximation
Active Subspaces: Emerging Ideas for Dimension Reduction in Parameter Studies, Constantine, SIAM 2015
Active Subspace Methods in Theory and Practice: Applications to Kriging Surfaces, Constantine, Dow, and Wang, SISC 2014
Active Manifolds: a non-linear analogue to Active Subspaces, Bridges, Gruber, Felder, Verma, Hoff, ICML 2019
Constrained global optimization of functions with low effective dimensionality using multiple random embeddings, Cartis, Massart, Otemissov, arXiv 2020
Thu, Mar 27 |
Low-dim structure in function approximation
Approximation of high-dimensional parametric PDEs, Cohen, DeVore, Acta Numerica 2015
Model reduction via proper orthogonal decomposition, Pinnau, in Model Order Reduction: Theory, Research Aspects and Applications, Springer 2008
Nonlinear model reduction via discrete empirical interpolation, Chaturantabut, Sorensen, SISC 2010
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Tue, Apr 01 |
Spring break |
Thu, Apr 03 |
Spring break |
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Tue, Apr 08 |
Matrices associated with graphs
Thu, Apr 10 |
Function approximation on graphs
Semi-Supervised Learning Using Gaussian Fields and Harmonic Functions, Zhu, Gharhraman, and Lafferty, ICML 2003
Learning with Local and Global Consistency, Zhou, NeurIPS 2004
Empirical stationary correlations for semi-supervised learning on graphs, Xu, Dyer, and Owen, Ann Appl Stat, 2010
Using Local Spectral Methods to Robustify Graph-Based Learning Algorithms, Gleich and Mahoney, KDD 2015
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Tue, Apr 15 |
Graph clustering and partitioning
A tutorial on spectral clustering, von Luxburg, Statistics and Computing 2007
Communities in networks, Porter, Onnela, and Mucha, Notices of the AMS, 2009
Community detection in networks: A user guide, Fortunato and Hric, Physics Reports, 2016
Trace optimization and eigenproblems in dimension reduction methods, Kokiopoulou, Chen, and Saad, NLAA, 2011
Thu, Apr 17 |
Centrality measures
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Tue, Apr 22 |
Learning linear system dynamics
Thu, Apr 24 |
Learned dynamics and extrapolation
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Tue, Apr 29 |
Koopman theory and lifting
Thu, May 01 |
Learning nonlinear dynamics
Discovering governing equations from data by sparse identification of nonlinear dynamical systems, Brunton, Proctor, Kutz, PNAS 2016
A Data-Driven Approximation of the Koopman Operator: Extending Dynamic Mode Decomposition, Williams, Kevrekidis, Rowley, J Nonlinear Science 2015
A Kernel-Based Method for Data-Driven Koopman Spectral Analysis, Williams, Rowley, Kevrekidis, J Comp Dynamics 2015
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Tue, May 06 |
Special topics