CS 5220
Applications of Parallel Computers
Location: Gates G01
Lecture: TR 1:25-2:40
Discussion: Ed Discussion
Course material: GitHub
Prof: David Bindel
Email: bindel@cornell.edu
Office: Rhodes 612
Office hours: M 3:30-4:30;
W 4:00-5:00;
or by appointment
TA: Jiatian (Caroline) Sun
Email: js3623@cornell.edu
Office hours:
Th 4:30-5:30 at Rhodes 574
TA: Evan Vera
Email: erv29@cornell.edu
Office hours:
T 4:30-6:30 at Rhodes 402
2024-08-22: Unable to enroll? Check out the CS waitlist info page
2024-08-22: Welcome to CS 5220!
Older news »Overview
CS 5220 is an introduction to performance tuning and parallelization, particularly for scientific codes. Topics include:
- Single-processor architecture, caches, and serial performance tuning
- Basics of parallel machine organization
- Distributed memory programming with MPI
- Shared memory programming with OpenMP
- Parallel patterns: data partitioning, synchronization, and load balancing
- Examples of parallel numerical algorithms
- Applications from science and engineering
Students should be able to read and write serial programs written in C or a related language. Because our examples will be drawn primarily from engineering and scientific computations, some prior exposure to numerical methods is useful, though not necessary. Prior exposure to parallel programming is not required, and non-CS students from fields involving simulation are particularly welcome!
See the syllabus for more information on course logistics.