Cornell Cougar Project

Online Demo
BOOM Demos

Cougar (Older Versions)
Cornell DB Group
Berkeley TinyDB
ISI Diffusion
BBN Technologies

Cougar ::. QueryProxy Demo

Start QueryProxy demo applet
  • The GUI interface for the COUGAR QueryProxy engine runs a Java applet in your web browser.
  • The applet uses Swing components for display, so you need the Java 2 Plugin installed.
  • The applet works best with IE 5.x (or above) and Netscape/Mozilla 6.x. If you don't have the proper plugin, you should be automatically redirected to the correct location for download.
  • Or you can directly download the Java 1.3 Plugin for Netscape or any Windows-based browser.

Cougar ::. QueryProxy Help

A short tutorial on the basics of using the Main QueryProxy GUI can be found here.

Cougar ::. Download QueryProxy

  • Download the jar file. Alternative formats for browser download problems: zip, tar gz
  • Startup script for Linux or Windows.
  • JDK1.2 or above is required to run the Java application
  • The GUI interface uses Swing components for display and can be run from a jar file on any platform with Java installed.

Cougar ::. Sim Tracker Demo

Start SimTracker demo applet
  • The COUGAR Simulated Tracker runs a Java applet in your web browser.
  • The requirement are the same as for the main QueryProxy GUI.

Cougar ::. Sim Tracker Help

A short tutorial on the basics of using the Simulated Tracker GUI can be found here.

Cougar ::. Download Sim Tracker

  • Download the jar file. Alternative formats for browser download problems: zip, tar gz
  • Startup script for Linux or Windows.