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Mars Rover 2003

After the loss of Mars Polar Lander in 1999, NASA dramatically modified its plans for Mars exploration. The 2001 lander mission was cancelled, to be replaced by a more ambitious (and safer) attempt to land two large rovers in 2003.

NASA needed animations of the new rover design, and it needed them fast. I completed a preliminary version of this video within two weeks, and was then asked to prepare extensive revisions for a White House budget meeting only four days away! I created an additional minute of animation in a round-the-clock production marathon and delivered the polished product with time to spare. The video has since been featured on several global networks including CNN, NBC, the BBC, and the Discovery Channel.

Rover with lander in background

Rover, side view

The arm, showing Microscopic Imager and RAT
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Entering the Martian atmosphere

Parachute descent

A bouncy landing
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Digital Videos

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Long Version - 2 minutes, 8.8MB
Short Version - 1.5 minutes, 6.3MB

High-Quality DiVX Videos

Long Version - 2 minutes, 14.2MB
Short Version - 1.5 minutes, 9.5MB

Produced by Dan Maas under contract from Cornell University and NASA/JPL. All material copyright © 2001 Cornell University.