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![]() Research Interests of Faculty and Senior ResearchersKenneth P. Birman Distributed computing, fault-tolerant network systems, distributed systems security, large-scale network applications Claire Cardie Natural language processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence Paul Chew Geometric algorithms with an emphasis on practical applications Tom Coleman Numerical analysis, scientific computing, sparse optimization, algorithms Robert L. Constable Computational complexity, formal semantics, applied logic, automated reasoning Ron Elber Computational biology, genomics Michael Godfrey Software engineering Donald P. Greenberg Realistic image synthesis, modeling, scientific visualization, computer-aided design, image processing David Gries Programming methodology, programming languages, compiler construction Joseph Halpern Logics, artificial intelligence, distributed computing, reasoning about uncertainty Juris Hartmanis Theory of computation John E. Hopcroft Robust geometric algorithms, modeling and simulation, and information capture and access Daniel P. Huttenlocher Computer vision S. Keshav Networks, quality of service, multimedia. Telephony and telecommunications networks Jon Kleinberg Theory of computation, optimization, computational biology Dexter Kozen Theory of computation, proof-carrying code, computational complexity, analysis of algorithms, program logics and semantics Dean Krafft Digital libraries, information access Carl Lagoze Infrastructure for distributed digital libraries Bruce Land Development and use computer graphical methods to understand large, often multidimensional, scientific data sets Lillian Lee Natural language processing Yuying Li Scientific computation, numerical optimization J. Gregory Morrisett Programming languages, compilers, distributed systems, runtime systems Andrew Myers Programming languages, security, mobile code Keshav Pingali Compilers, parallel computing, programming languages Ronitt Rubinfeld Theory of computation, randomized algorithms, computational complexity Fred B. Schneider Distributed systems security and fault-tolerance, mobile code, concurrent programming, operating systems Bart Selman Artificial intelligence and experimental computer science Praveen Seshadri Database systems Rosen Sharma Network management and protocols, quality of service, multimedia David Shmoys Scheduling, computational complexity Brian Smith Multimedia systems Eva Tardos Combinatorics, complexity theory, communication networks, QoS and data flow Tim Teitelbaum Programming languages, systems, environments Sam Toueg Distributed computing, fault tolerance, real-time systems Charles Van Loan Matrix computations, scientific computing Robbert van Renesse Distribute computing, fault-tolerance, distributed multimedia systems Stephen Vavasis Numerical analysis, optimization Thorsten von Eicken Parallel and distributed systems, computer architecture Catherine M. Wagner Automated reasoning, constructive logic Ramin Zabih Computer vision, multimedia, information technology, robotics Richard Zippel Symbolic mathematics, scientific software |