Robbert van Renesse
Senior Research Associate
PhD Vrije Univ., Amsterdam 1989
I am an architect and developer in K. Birman's Ensemble project.
Ensemble is a general-purpose group communication framework for supporting adaptive
distributed applications. By stacking micro-protocols, a variety of communication
semantics can be provided. A protocol stack can be reconfigured on-the-fly to adapt to
changes in network services or application demands. We are particularly interested in
protocols that support fault-tolerant, secure, and scalable applications. With B.
Constable's Nuprl group, we are working on performance, specification, and correctness
issues. |
I am involved the TACOMA project, with visitor D.
Johansen (Tromsoe Univ., Norway) and F. Schneider. This project investigates the
"agent" or "smart packet" paradigm, which is a mobile computation. We
have implemented several prototype systems and are interested particularly in security
issues: host integrity, agent integrity, and interagent integrity.
Professional Activities
Building adaptive systems using Ensemble. Computer
Science, Univ. Penn, Jan. 20, 1998.
Optimizing layered communication protocols. Proc.
6th IEEE Int. Symp. High Performance Distributed Computing. Portland, Oregon (Aug.
1997) (with M. Hayden).
Packing messages as a tool for boosting the
performance of total ordering protocols. Ibid (with R. Friedman).
Moving the Ensemble communication system to NT and
Wolfpack. Proc. USENIX Windows NT Workshop (Aug. 1997) (with 7 others).
Performance issues in TACOMA. Proc. 3rd.
Workshop on Mobile Object Systems, 11th European Conf. Object-Oriented Programming,
Jyva_skyla, Finland (June 1997) (with D. Johansen and N. Sudmann).