Awards and Special Celebrations |

This was the year of teaching awards for the Department of Computer
Science. We are very proud of all of our faculty and student awards.
Teaching Awards
- David Gries - 1995 ACM Karl
V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award.
- "In recognition of leadership in the training of several
generations of computer scientists," this award is given annually by the
international Association for Computing Machinery.
- Dan
Huttenlocher - Weiss Presidential Fellow, Cornell University.

- "For effective, inspiring, and distinguished teaching of
undergraduate students." Huttenlocher will carry this designation for the remainder
of his Cornell career. This is the highest award for teaching given by the University.
(The CS department is the only department on campus to have two Weiss fellows; there are
12 Weiss Fellows on campus.)
- Brian Smith -
Stephen & Margery Russell Distinguished Teaching Award.
- This is the highest award for teaching in Cornell's College of Arts
& Sciences.

- David Gries -
Honorary degree from Daniel Webster College.
- "For the positive influences his philosophy of teaching has had
upon the faculty there."
- Juris
Hartmanis - Honorary Degree. Dr. h.c., the University of Dortmund, Germany, 1995.
- Fred
Schneider - Professor-at-Large, University of Tromsų. Tromsų, Norway.
- Claire Cardie -
College of Engineering Teaching Award.
- Ronitt
Rubinfeld - College of Engineering Teaching Award.
- Tim
Teitelbaum - College of Engineering Teaching Award.
- Thorsten von
Eicken - College of Engineering Teaching Award.
- David Gries -
ACSU Faculty of the Year Award.
- The Association of Computer Science Undergraduates presents an annual
Faculty of the Year Award at a special spring student/faculty event.
Research Awards
- Claire Cardie - NSF Career Award.
- The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program grants, awarded by
the NSF to junior-level university faculty, emphasize the importance the Foundation places
on integrating research and education activities in academic careers.
- Claire Cardie - Lilly Teaching Fellowship.
- These fellowships offer untenured faculty encouragement and incentives
"to think creatively about the aims and methods of teaching" in the
undergraduate curriculum prior to tenure review. Since 1974 the Lilly Endowment has
sponsored three-year Teaching Fellow Programs at more than 30 major research institutions.
- Juris Hartmanis - Bolzano Gold Medal of the Academy of Sciences, Czech
Republic, 1995.
- Ronitt Rubinfeld - Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship.
- These two-year, unrestricted research fellowships are given to stimulate
fundamental research by young scholars of outstanding promise. Nationwide, ten fellowships
are given annually in the field of Computer Science.
- Stephen Vavasis
- 1996 Guggenheim Fellowship.
- Guggenheim Fellows include artists, scholars, and scientists chosen
annually from both academic and non-academic institutions. Recipients are appointed on the
basis of unusually distinguished achievement in the past and exceptional promise for
future accomplishment.
Awards to Students
- Mike Arcuri - Merrill Presidential Scholar, Cornell University.
- This award was given to 35 members of the Cornell graduating class.
- Tobin Driscoll - NSF Postdoctoral Fellowhip.
- Fatemeh Nazgol Moussavi - Jonathan E. Marx Senior Prize.
- Wren Tarkington McMains - Jonathan E. Marx Senior Prize.
- Kim-Chuan Toh - Second Prize, Fox Prize in Numerical Analysis.
- Nikola Valerjev - Alan S. Marx Senior Education Prize.
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