David Gries
William L. Lewis Prof. of Engineering
Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow
Dr. rer. nat. Munich Inst. Tech., 1966
My research is aimed at gaining a better understanding of the programming
process, with respect to both sequential and concurrent (or parallel)
programs. The work requires investigation of theories of program
correctness and their application, as well as investigation of other
concepts in the semantics of programming languages. A procedural
programming language, Polya, is being defined and implemented. We are
attempting to make the language in which algorithms are usually presented
the programming language, but without loss of efficiency. This has
entailed work in the theory of polymorphic types and type inference as well
as the development of new constructs for defining types and for describing
the implementation of variables. The hope is that this work will advance
the state of the art of reusability of program parts and will raise the
level at which programs are written.
Education, in particular the material taught in the first few courses in
computer science, is of particular interest. A text for a discrete
mathematics course, coauthored with F.B. Schneider, has been published.
It emphasizes the pervasive use of an equational logic and formal
calculation in discrete mathematics. Further work on equational logic and
its uses is underway.
University Activities
- Computer Science Department Minority Affirmative Action Coordinator
Professional Activities
- Managing Editor, Information Processing Letters
- Main Editor, Acta Informatica
- Co-Editor, Springer-Verlag Texts and Monographs in Computer Science
- Editorial Board: Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Software-Concepts and Tools, Formal Aspects of Computer Science
- Program committee, Third International Conference on the Mathematics
of Program Construction
- Director, Marktoberdorf Summer School, Germany, 1994, 1996
- IFIP Working Group 2.3 (Programming Methodology)
- Reviewer, Computer Science and Math Department, Fairleigh Dickinson
- Referee/Reviewer: Communications of the ACM, IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering, IEEE Computer, Science of Computer Programming,
Acta Informatica, Information Processing Letters, NSF
- IEEE Taylor L. Booth Education Award in Computer Science
- Advisor of T.V. Raman, whose PhD thesis won the ACM Dissertation Award
- Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow (Cornell University)
- Equational logic as a useful complement to "the way mathematicians
do proofs". Cognitive Studies Proseminar, Cornell University,
September 1994.
- A new tool: equational logic. ORA Corporation, Ithaca, New York,
21 October 1994.
- Moderator and panel organizer, Panel on Teaching Logic as a Tool.
ACM-SIGCSE Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, 3 March 1995.
- Changing how logic is taught and used. Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada,
1 May 1995.
- ____. Computer Science Department, Toronto University, Toronto,
Canada, 2 May 1995.
- Compiler construction (six week course). Sathya Sai Baba Institute
of Higher Learning, Puttaparthy, India, June-July 1994.
- Data refinement; equational logic. Six lectures. 15th International
Summer School, Marktoberdorf, Germany, July 1994.
- Equational propositional logic. IPL 53, 3 (February 1995), 145-152
(with Fred B. Schneider).
- A new approach to teaching discrete mathematics. Primus V, 2 (June 1995),
113-138 (with F.B. Schneider).
- Teaching logic as a tool. Proceedings 26th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on
Computer Science Education (Nashville, Tennessee, March 1995),
SIGCSE Bulletin Vol. 27, No. 1, 384-385 (with F. Schneider).
- On teaching proof. Cornell University Arts & Sciences Newsletter
16, 2 (Spring 1995), 3 (with F. Schneider).
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Last modified: 24 November 1995 by Denise Moore