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Class PREDATOR.Schema


public class Schema
extends Object
This class represents a schema, or ordered sequence of attributes.

See Also:

Constructor Index

 o Schema()

Method Index

 o getArity()
Returns the number of attributes in the schema.
 o getAttribute(int)
Gets the attribute associated with a given attribute id.
 o toString()
Creates a string representation of this schema.


 o Schema
 public Schema()


 o getArity
 public int getArity()
Returns the number of attributes in the schema.

The number of attributes in the schema
 o getAttribute
 public Attribute getAttribute(int AttrId) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Gets the attribute associated with a given attribute id.

AttrId - The index of the attribute in the schema
The attribute associated with the index
Throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException
if the index is out of bounds
 o toString
 public String toString()
Creates a string representation of this schema.

toString in class Object

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