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Class PREDATOR.Attribute


public class Attribute
extends Object
An attribute of a schema.

See Also:

Method Index

 o getMetaInfo()
Gets the meta-info associated with this attribute.
 o getName()
Gets the name of the attribute.
 o getTypeADT()
Gets the type of the attribute.
 o toString()
Creates a string representation of this attribute.


 o getName
 public String getName()
Gets the name of the attribute.

The name of the attribute.
 o getTypeADT
 public ADT getTypeADT()
Gets the type of the attribute.

the ADT associated with the type of this attribute.
 o getMetaInfo
 public ADTMetaInfo getMetaInfo()
Gets the meta-info associated with this attribute.

this attribute's meta-info
 o toString
 public String toString()
Creates a string representation of this attribute.

toString in class Object

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