Overview of the Horus projectFive years ago, Kenneth Birman and Robbert van Renesse started the activity that ultimately lead to the design of Horus. At the outset, the project was perceived as a redesign of the Isis group communication system. Isis, although successful, was UNIX-specific, monolithic (and hence, inflexible), and used protocols that have subsequently been improved upon. Over the last five years, Horus evolved beyond these initial goals, becoming a sophisticated group communication system with an emphasis and properties considerably different from those of its "parent" system. Perhaps the best general overviews of Horus can be found in the April 1996 issue of Communications of the ACM, and in the May 1996 issue of Scientific American. Many additional papers are available in our online technical reports area. Readers already familiar with group communication will best understand Horus as a general-purpose communication architecture that also does a very good job of supporting the sorts of process-group applications for which Isis became popular. Broadly, Horus is a flexible and extensible process-group communication system, in which the interfaces seen by the application can be varied to conceal the system behind more conventional interfaces, and in which the actual properties of the groups used (membership, communication, events that affect the group) can be matched to the specific needs of the application. If an application contains multiple subsystems with differing needs, it can create multiple superimposed groups with different properties in each. The resulting architecture is unique in being completely adaptable: the groupware developer or systems programmer pays only for properties that are specifically desired, and can often use Horus to introduce reliability or replication in a completely transparent manner. Users who wish to treat Horus as a prebuilt system can take advantage of its virtual synchrony model to introduce replication, coordination, and fault-tolerance into their applications. Horus is suitable for building high performance groupware applications and we are now working on real-time applications, notably in the area of telecommunications switch management. Several interfaces are available for direct use of Horus, including a toolkit named HOTS, oriented towards C++ programmers. For users who wish to develop new groupware protocols, Horus can be viewed as a group communication environment rather than as a collection of prebuilt groupware solutions. It is UNIX-independent, and permits the use of several programming languages (C, C++, ML, and Python) in a single system. Horus protocols are structured like stacks of Lego-blocks, hence new protocols can be developed by adding new layers or by recombining existing ones. Through dynamic run-time layering, Horus permits an application to adapt the protocols it runs to the environment in which it finds itself. Much of our research has been on the issues associated with developing layered groupware protocols. Over time, Horus layers have become much simpler than expected, and consequently lend themselves to automatic verification. This is especially true for the Horus layers coded in ML, which are well suited to analysis using the NuPrl system (also a Cornell research project). By combining simple layers, complex semantics can be supported. Existing Horus protocol layers include an implementation of virtually synchronous process groups (a technique permitting consistent and fault-tolerant data replication), as well as protocols for parallel and multi-media applications. Considerable recent work has been done on protocols for secure group computing and for real-time applications. Moreover, Horus is now at a point where the communication protocols can be upgraded underneath a running application, without the need to stop and restart the application. Although layered protocol architectures often carry a performance penalty, Horus includes a protocol accelerator that permits it to demonstrate excellent performance. Horus supports a CORBA request broker, a fault-tolerant multi-media toolkit, a fault-tolerant WWW server, and a cooperative text editor. On the theoretical side, the project has contributed a significant body of fundamental results in the overall areas of distributed fault-tolerance, consistency, security and private communication in group-communication systems. Current work includes study of how properties can be proved for composed stacks consisting of multiple layers, basic theoretical work on virtual synchrony, and study of systems that combine real-time and logical consistency properties. Looking to the future, we believe that Horus will be well matched to the replication needs of emerging Web applications such as caching Web proxies; Cornell students have implemented prototypes of such systems successfully. Horus can be used as a Java communication protocol, and is appropriate for system management in complex large-scale internet settings. Other likely application areas include transparent fault-tolerance options for limited classes of applications, security and system monitoring, and database replication. The Horus software is available for use by research laboratories. Commercial use of the technology should be possible by late in 1996 or early 1997, through an arrangement with Stratus Computers Inc.
Project funding.ARPA has played a significant role in the progress made by the Horus project by providing long-term funding through the Office of Naval Research under contract N00014-92-J-1866. The Horus research effort is grateful to IBM Research, GTE, Siemens, Corporation and Stratus Computer Inc. for support of our effort. Comments to Werner Vogels |