Paper Guidelines

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Formatting guidelines for the paper are given below. These guidelines are based on the standard formatting requirements for ASEE Annual Conference papers.  

Title of Paper
The title must be centered 2 spaces below the session number with at least a one and one-half inch margin on the left and right. ‘Times’ typeface is required, bold faced, 14 point.
Author and Affiliation
The author name(s) must be centered 2 spaces below the title with at least a one and one-half inch margin on the left and the right. If there are multiple authors, they must be divided by commas (,). The affiliation(s) must be 1 space below the author name with the same one and one half inch margin on each side. If there are multiple affiliations due to multiple authors, they must be separated by slashes (/). ‘Times’ typeface is required, bold faced, 12 point.
Body of Paper
(beginning under the title information on the first page and continuing with all subsequent pages)
First Page-The body of the paper must begin 4 spaces below the affiliation(s) on the first page (following all title information, on the same page). The paper will be in a one-column format with left justification. There must be a 1 inch margin on the left, right, and bottom. Times typeface is required, 12 point, skipping one line between paragraphs.
Second and All Subsequent Pages-There must be a 1 inch margin all around (top, bottom, right, left) in one column format, left justification, skipping one line between paragraphs. Times typeface is required, 12 point, using only standard symbols and abbreviations in text and illustrations.
Abstracts should be imbedded at the beginning of the paper.
Headings are not required but can be included. If used, headings must be left justified, lowercase, with the same font and size as the body of the paper. There must be only one space between the heading and the paragraph.
BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION (following body of paper)
The bibliography must begin 4 spaces below the body of the paper using the same margins as the body. ‘Times’ typeface is required, 10 point. The referencing requirement is to list and number each reference-when referring to them in the text, type the corresponding reference number in superscript form

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION (following the bibliographic information)

The biography must begin 4 spaces below the bibliography using the same margins as the body. ‘Times’ typeface is required, 10 point. Consider each author as a separate paragraph, skipping one line between each author. Author’s name must be in capital letters, followed by up to 4 lines of text per author.