My research and teaching are in computer graphics and vision, centered around how optics and mechanics determine the appearance of materials. I got my Ph.D. from Cornell in 1998, and held research positions at HP Laboratories, Microsoft Research, and Stanford University before I rejoined Cornell in 2002.

Recent publications

mallard feather differentiable rendering leaves PDE in a dragon simulated BRDF

Appearance modeling of iridescent feathers with diverse nanostructures

Yunchen Yu, Andrea Weidlich, Bruce Walter, Eugene d'Eon, Steve Marschner
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024

A simple approach to differentiable rendering of SDFs

Zichen Wang, Xi Deng, Ziyi Zhang, Wenzel Jakob, Steve Marschner
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024

Reconstruct translucent thin objects from photos

Xi Deng, Lifan Wu, Bruce Walter, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Eugene d'Eon, Steve Marschner, Andrea Weidlich
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024

Neural Caches for Monte Carlo Partial Differential Equation Solvers

Zilu Li, Guandao Yang, Xi Deng, Christopher De Sa, Bharath Hariharan, Steve Marschner
SIGGRAPH Asia 2023

A Full-Wave Reference Simulator for Computing Surface Reflectance

Yunchen Yu, Mengqi Xia, Bruce Walter, Eric Michielssen, Steve Marschner

Selected publications

spiderweb tea service falling scarf hair closeup milk comparison

A wave optics based fiber scattering model

Mengqi (Mandy) Xia, Bruce Walter, Eric Michielssen, David Bindel, and Steve Marschner.
SIGGRAPH Asia 2020

Manifold Exploration: A Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique for rendering scenes with difficult specular transport

Wenzel Jakob and Steve Marschner

Simulating Knitted Cloth at the Yarn Level

Jonathan M. Kaldor, Doug L. James, and Steve Marschner

Light Scattering from Human Hair Fibers

Stephen R. Marschner, Henrik Wann Jensen, Mike Cammarano, Steve Worley, and Pat Hanrahan

A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport

Henrik Wann Jensen, Stephen R. Marschner, Marc Levoy, and Pat Hanrahan


2004: NSF CAREER Award

2004: Technical Achievement Award, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

2006: Sloan Research Fellowship

2015: SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Achievement Award

Recent Teaching

CS5625: Interactive Computer Graphics, Spring 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020

CS4620: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Spring 2017, 2018; Fall 2018, 2019

CS6630: Realistic Image Synthesis, Fall 2015


National Science Foundation

Autodesk; Google; Adobe

Professional activities

Technical Papers Chair for SIGGRAPH Asia 2015

Papers co-chair for EGSR 2008

SIGGRAPH papers committee 2018, 2017, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2010, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2002

CVPR program committee 2010, 2006, 2005, 2003

EGSR program committee 2011, 2009, 2007, 2006
