
Require Import String.
Require Import ExtrHaskellString.
Require Import RoshaskNodeMonad.

Definition TopicName : Type := string.

Axiom RTopic : Type Type.
TODO: generalize over the IO monad.

Extract Constant RTopic "a" ⇒ "Ros.Node.Topic GHC.Base.IO a".

TODO: make it an instance of Functor
Axiom tmap : {A B :Type}, (AB) RTopic A RTopic B.
Extract Constant tmap ⇒ "GHC.Base.fmap".

Axiom tfilter : {A B: Type} (f: A bool)
                  (g: (a:A) {pr: f a = true}, B), RTopic A RTopic B.
Extract Constant tfilter ⇒ "\f g l -> GHC.Base.fmap (\x -> g x ()) (Ros.Topic.filter f l)".

Axiom asapMerge : {A:Type}, (RTopic A) (RTopic A) (RTopic A).
Extract Constant asapMerge ⇒ "Ros.Topic.Util.merge".

Axiom flattenTL : {A:Type}, (RTopic (list A)) (RTopic A).
Extract Constant flattenTL ⇒ "Ros.ROSCoqUtil.flattenTL".

Axiom foldMapL : {s a b :Type}, s (s a (b × s)) RTopic a RTopic b.
Extract Constant foldMapL ⇒ "Ros.ROSCoqUtil.foldMapL".