Required Textbooks

This semester we are piloting two interactive, online, electronic textbooks, called zybooks. The first is called "Digital Design and Computer Organization and Design". This zybook combines an ebook on Digital Design (full of interactive exercises, simulators, and animations) with the classic text "Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface" by Patterson and Hennessy (which has traditionally been used in CS 3410).

To obtain your copy, please do the following:

  1. Sign up at
  2. Enter zyBook code CORNELLCS3410BracyFall2016
  3. Click Subscribe (The cost is $83.)

The second book is called "Programming in C". This will be used in the second half of the course when we learn C.

To obtain your copy, please do the following:

  1. Sign up at
  2. Enter zyBook code CORNELLCS3410CFall2016
  3. Click Subscribe (The cost is $5.)

You will submit almost all of the in-class Labs via these zybooks and receive instant feedback as to whether your work was correct. There are also Participation Activities which will comprise part of your Class Participation grade.


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