Research Interests and Professional Activities of Faculty
and Senior Researchers

Research Interests

The following are the research interests of the faculty and senior researchers of the Computer Science Department. These include new faculty for 1997–1998.


Kenneth P. Birman: Distributed computing, fault-tolerance, high performance communication.
Claire Cardie: Natural language processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence.
Paul Chew: Geometric algorithms, mesh generation.
Thomas F. Coleman: Numerical optimization, parallel computation.
Robert L. Constable: Theory of computation, programming logics, automated reasoning.
Michael Godfrey: Software engineering.
Donald P. Greenberg: Computer graphics, computer-aided design.
David Gries: Programming methodology, programming languages, compiler construction, logic.
Joseph Halpern: Reasoning about knowledge, artificial intelligence.
Juris Hartmanis: Theory of computation, computational complexity.
John E. Hopcroft: Modeling and simulation, algorithms, information capture and access.
Daniel P. Huttenlocher: Computer vision, computational geometry, digital video.
Jon Kleinberg: Algorithms, combinatorial optimization, computational geometry, computational biology.
Srinivasan Keshav: Computer networking, operating and distributed systems.
Dexter Kozen: Theory of computation, computational complexity, analysis of algorithms, program logics and semantics.
Dean Krafft: Digital libraries, information access.
Bruce Land: Computer graphics.
Yuying Li: Scientific computation, numerical optimization.
J. Gregory Morrisett: Programming languages, distributed systems, runtime systems, concurrency.
Keshav K. Pingali: Software for parallel systems, compilers.
Robbert van Renesse: Distributed computing, fault-tolerance, distributed multimedia systems.
Ronitt A. Rubinfeld: Theory of computation, randomized algorithms, computational complexity.
Fred B. Schneider: Concurrent programming, fault-tolerance, distributed systems, real-time systems.
Praveen Seshadri: Databases.
Brian C. Smith: Distributed multimedia systems, image processing, user interfaces, information technology.
Tim Teitelbaum: Programming languages, systems, environments.
Sam Toueg: Distributed computing, fault-tolerance, real-time systems.
Charles Van Loan: Scientific computing.
Stephen Vavasis: Numerical analysis.
Thorsten von Eicken: Parallel systems, computer architecture.
Catherine M. Wagner: Automated reasoning, constructive logic.
Ramin Zabih: Computer vision, multimedia, information technology, robotics.
Richard Zippel: Symbolic mathematics, scientific software.

Professional Activities of Faculty

Cornell computer scientists also provide leadership for publications and conferences:

ACM Computing Surveys (Schneider, Editor)
ACM Transactions on Computing Systems (Birman, Editor-in-Chief)
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (Zippel, Editorial Board)
ACM Transactions on Networking (Keshav, Editor)
Acta Informatica (Gries, Main Editor)
Annals of Software Engineering (Schneider, Editor)
Applied Mathematics Letters (Coleman, Editorial Board)
AI Journal Information & Computation (Halpern, Editorial Board)
Chicago Journal of Computer Science (Halpern, Consulting Editor)
Combinatorica (Tardos, Editor)
Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing (Coleman, Editorial Board)
Computational Optimization and Applications (Coleman, Editorial Board)
Computer Graphics Journal (Greenberg, Editorial Board)
Distributed Computing (Schneider, Editor-in-Chief)
Electronic Journal for Theoretical Computer Science (Tardos, Editor)
Formal Methods in System Design (Constable, Editor)
High Integrity Systems (Schneider, Editor)
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (Schneider, Editor)
IEEE Transactions on Networking (Keshav, Editor)
Information and Computation (Halpern, Editor)
Information Processing Letters (Gries, Managing Editor; Schneider, Editor)
Information Journal on Computing (Shmoys, Associate Editor)
International Journal of Parallel Programming (Pingali, Editorial Board)
Journal of the ACM (Halpern, Editor-in-Chief)
Journal of Algorithms SODA’96
(Tardos, Associate Editor)
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences (Hartmanis, Editor)
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (Trefethen, Editorial Board)
Journal of Global Optimization (Vavasis, Editor)
Journal of High Speed Networking (Keshav, Editor)
Journal of Logic and Computation
(Constable, Editor; Halpern, Editorial Board)
Journal of Symbolic Computation (Constable, Zippel, Editors)
Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing (Coleman, Editorial Board)
Mathematical Programming A (Tardos, Editor; Shmoys, Associate Editor)
Mathematics of Operations Research (Tardos, Shmoys, Associate Editors)
Numerische Mathematik (Trefethen, Editorial Board)
Robotics Intelligence and Computation (Donald, Associate Editor)
SIAM (Coleman, Editorial Advisory Board)
SIAM Journal on Computing (Hartmanis, Tardos, Shmoys, Editors)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (Shmoys, Editor)
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis (Vavasis, Editor)
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (Trefethen, Editorial Board)
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (Coleman, Editorial Board)
SIAM Review (Trefethen, Editorial Board)
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Hartmanis, Editor; Gries, Editorial Board)
Springer-Verlag Texts and Monographs in Computer Science (Gries,

This site was last modified on 06/22/99.