Stylizing 2½-D Video
Noah Snavely1
C. Lawrence Zitnick2
Sing Bing Kang2
Michael F. Cohen2
1University of Washington
2Microsoft Research
In recent years considerable interest has been given to
non-photorealistic rendering of photographs, video, and 3D models
for illustrative or artistic purposes. Conventional 2D inputs such
as photographs and video are easy to create and capture, while 3D
models allow for a wider variety of stylization techniques, such as
cross-hatching. In this paper, we propose using video with depth
information (\2.5D video) to combine the advantages of 2D and 3D
input. 2.5D video is becoming increasingly easy to capture,
and with the additional depth information, stylization techniques
that require shape information can be applied. However, because
2.5D video contains only limited shape information and 3D
correspondence over time is unknown, it is difficult to create
temporally coherent stylized animations directly from raw 2.5D
video. In this paper, we present techniques for processing
2.5D video to overcome these drawbacks, and demonstrate several
styles that can be created using these techniques.
Noah Snavely, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Sing Bing Kang, Michael F. Cohen.
Stylizing 2.5-D Video.
Proceedings of the Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and
Rendering, 2006. [pdf] [bibtex]
[~40 MB .MOV file]