ozan irsoy
me Department of Computer Science
349 Gates Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

oirsoy at cs dot cornell dot edu 
scholar github gist quora

Hi. I am a fifth year PhD student in CS at Cornell. My minor is ORIE with Applied Prob. and Stats. concentration. I am advised by Claire Cardie.
I received my BS degree in Computer Engineering and BA degree in Mathematics from Bogazici University.

I am interested in machine learning with applications to natural language processing and information retrieval. I am particularly interested in representation learning and deep learning. I also regularly collaborate with my former (undergrad) advisor Ethem Alpaydin on decision trees.


Spring & Summer 2015: Research Intern at MetaMind.

Summer 2014: Research Intern at Speech Group, Google, NYC.

Publications | Journals

Design and Analysis of Classifier Learning Experiments in Bioinformatics: Survey and Case Studies
O. Irsoy, O. T. Yildiz, E. Alpaydin

Publications | Conferences

Ask Me Anything: Dynamic Memory Networks for Natural Language Processing
A. Kumar, O. Irsoy, M. Iyyer, J. Bradbury, I. Gulrajani, V. Zhong, R. Paulus, R. Socher
ICML 2016, New York, New York.

Autoencoder Trees
O. Irsoy, E. Alpaydin
ACML 2015, Hong Kong.

Modeling Compositionality with Multiplicative Recurrent Neural Networks
O. Irsoy, C. Cardie
ICLR 2015, San Diego, California.

Learning Acoustic Frame Labeling for Speech Recognition with Recurrent Neural Networks
H. Sak, A. Senior, K. Rao, O. Irsoy, A. Graves, F. Beaufays, J. Schalkwyk
ICASSP 2015, Brisbane, Australia.

Deep Recursive Neural Networks for Compositionality in Language
O. Irsoy, C. Cardie
NIPS 2014, Montreal, Quebec.
project page with code, data & stuff

Opinion Mining with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
O. Irsoy, C. Cardie
EMNLP 2014, Doha, Qatar.
project page with code, data & stuff

Budding Trees
O. Irsoy, O. T. Yildiz, E. Alpaydin
ICPR 22 2014, Stockholm, Sweden.
project page with code, data & stuff

Soft Decision Trees
O. Irsoy, O. T. Yildiz, E. Alpaydin
ICPR 21 2012, Tsukuba, Japan.
project page with code, data & stuff

Publications | Workshops

Ask Me Anything: Dynamic Memory Networks for Natural Language Processing
A. Kumar, O. Irsoy, P. Ondruska, M. Iyyer, J. Bradbury, I. Gulrajani, R. Socher
NIPS Deep Learning Symposium, 2015, Montreal, Quebec.

Autoencoder Trees
O. Irsoy, E. Alpaydin
NIPS Deep Learning Workshop, 2014, Montreal, Quebec.

Bidirectional Recursive Neural Networks for Token-Level Labeling with Structure
O. Irsoy, C. Cardie
NIPS Deep Learning Workshop, 2013, Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

Awards & Honors

Graduated from Bogazici University with first degree in the Department of Computer Engineering and the School of Engineering, 2012

Graduated from Bogazici University with first degree among the double major students, 2012

Best bachelor's thesis award, Bogazici University, Department of Computer Engineering, 2012

Won bronze medal in Research Projects Competition Among High School Students, Mathematics Branch, 2007, organized by TUBITAK

Won bronze medal in Research Projects Competition Among High School Students, Mathematics Branch, 2007, organized by Dokuz Eylül University, School of Engineering