Matthew Burke

I received my PhD in Computer Science from Cornell.
My research interests are in developing abstractions for complex distributed systems that are highly useable by application developers while still meeting application performance requirements. My work in this area spans the “distributed stack” from multi-core and intra-datacenter systems to globally distributed systems. I am particularly interested in the opportunities posed by evolving application demands and emerging hardware.
Currently, I am a Software Engineer at Databricks on the Caching Team.
Previously, I was a Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley with Professor Natacha Crooks in the Data Systems and Foundations Group and the SkyLab and I was a PhD Candidate advised by Professor Lorenzo Alvisi as a member of the Theory Meets Practice group at Cornell. As an undergraduate student at the University of Southern California, I was lucky to be advised by Professor Wyatt Lloyd as a member of the Networked Systems Laboratory.
(Jun. '23) I passed my B-Exam! (Apr. '23) I accepted a job at Databricks to work on distributed caching! (Aug. '22) Morty was accepted to EuroSys'23!Publications
- M. Burke. Towards High Performance Abstractions for Strong Geo-Replicated Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation. Matthew Burke. Towards High Performance Abstractions for Strong Geo-Replicated Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University, May 2024. [pdf][doi]
- M. Burke, F. Suri-Payer, J. Helt, L. Alvisi, N. Crooks. Morty: Scaling Concurrency Control with Re-Execution. EuroSys 23. Matthew Burke, Florian Suri-Payer, Jeffrey Helt, Lorenzo Alvisi, Natacha Crooks. Morty: Scaling Concurrency Control with Re-Execution. In Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys ’23), May 2023. [pdf][doi][tr][src]
- M. Burke, S. Dharanipragada, S. Joyner, A. Szekeres, J. Nelson, I. Zhang, D. Ports. PRISM: Rethinking the RDMA Interface for Distributed Systems. SOSP 21. Matthew Burke, Sowmya Dharanipragada, Shannon Joyner, Adriana Szekeres, Jacob Nelson, Irene Zhang, Dan R. K. Ports. PRISM: Rethinking the RDMA Interface for Distributed Systems. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 21), October 2021. [pdf][doi]
- J. Helt, M. Burke, A. Levy, W. Lloyd. Regular Sequential Serializability and Regular Sequential Consistency. SOSP 21. Jeffrey Helt, Matthew Burke, Amit Levy, Wyatt Lloyd. Regular Sequential Serializability and Regular Sequential Consistency. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 21), October 2021. [pdf][doi][tr]
- F. Suri-Payer, M. Burke, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. Alvisi, N. Crooks. Basil: Breaking up BFT with ACID (transactions). SOSP 21. Florian Suri-Payer, Matthew Burke, Zheng Wang, Yunhao Zhang, Lorenzo Alvisi, Natacha Crooks. Basil: Breaking up BFT with ACID (transactions). In Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 21), October 2021. [pdf][doi][tr]
- M. Burke, A. Cheng, W. Lloyd. Gryff: Unifying Consensus and Shared Registers. NSDI 20. Matthew Burke, Audrey Cheng, Wyatt Lloyd. Gryff: Unifying Consensus and Shared Registers. In Proceedings of the 17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 20), Februrary 2020. [pdf][usenix][slides][video]
- N. Crooks, M. Burke, S. Harel, E. Cecchetti, R. Agarwal, L. Alvisi. Obladi: Oblivious Serializable Transactions in the Cloud. OSDI 18. Natacha Crooks, Matthew Burke, Sitar Harel, Ethan Cecchetti, Rachit Agarwal, Lorenzo Alvisi. Obladi: Oblivious Serializable Transactions in the Cloud. In Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 18), October 2018. [pdf][usenix][tr]
- Q. Huang, P. Ang, P. Knowles, T. Nykiel, I. Tverdokhlib, A. Yajurvedi, P. Dapolito VI, X. Yan, M. Bykov, C. Liang, M. Talwar, A. Mathur, S. Kulkarni, M. Burke, W. Lloyd. SVE: Distributed Video Processing at Facebook Scale. SOSP 17. Qi Huang, Petchean Ang, Peter Knowles, Tomasz Nykiel, Iaroslav Tverdokhlib, Amit Yajurvedi, Paul Dapolito VI, Xifan Yan, Maxim Bykov, Chuen Liang, Mohit Talwar, Abhishek Mathur, Sachin Kulkarni, Matthew Burke, Wyatt Lloyd. SVE: Distributed Video Processing at Facebook Scale. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 17), October 2017. [pdf][doi]
Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Spring 2023: CS 5414 - Distributed Computing Principles
- Fall 2020: CS 5414 - Distributed Computing Principles
- Spring 2019: CS 4410 - Operating Systems
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
- Spring 2017: CSCI 104 - Data Structure and Object-Oriented Design
- Fall 2016: CSCI 104 - Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design
- Spring 2016: CSCI 104 - Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design
- Fall 2015: CSCI 104 - Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design
- Spring 2015: CSCI 104 - Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design
- Fall 2014: CSCI 104 - Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design
Program Committees
- EuroSys 2024
- SOSP 2019 (External Reviewer)
- EuroSys 2019 (External Reviewer)
- OPODIS 2018 (External Reviewer)
- ICDCS 2019 (External Reviewer)
- NSDI 2017 (External Reviewer)
Artifact Evaluation Committees
Mentor Programs
- MSR Undegraduate Intern Co-Mentor 2018
- Facebook University (FBU) Mentor 2015
My research has been made possible through collaborations with several incredible mentors and mentees (affiliation at time of most recent collaboration shown in parentheses).
- Natacha Crooks (UC Berkeley)
- Dan Ports (MSR)
- Irene Zhang (MSR)
- Jacob Nelson (MSR)
- Qi Huang (Facebook)
- Max Charlamb (Cornell)
- Sam Hinson (Cornell)
- Audrey Cheng (Princeton)
- Janice Chan (Cornell)
- Andy Zhang (Cornell)
- Eric Feng (Cornell)
Other Interests
I spend much of my free time playing and coaching ultimate frisbee. Recently, I have taken to learning and practicing music production. I also enjoy hiking, camping, and backpacking, especially in the deserts of southwestern North America.