Python Quine
A program that outputs itself.
In CS 6110 today, Dexter mentioned quines: programs that output their own source code. I quickly got sucked into a very fun internet rabbit-hole, including a collection of quines in different languages, a 128-language cyclical quine, a quine robust to mutations, and an HTML page that displays its own source.
I had to try it out for myself. Here’s what I came up with in Python 3:
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from string import ascii_lowercase
class AbstractQuine(ABC):
imports = 'from abc import ABC, abstractmethod\n' \
'from string import ascii_lowercase'
def print_code(self):
class Quine(AbstractQuine):
def print_code(self):
unmap = lambda x: x[0].replace('d', 'd\\n') + f' \\\n{s}{s}{s} ' + x[1]
s, n, q, t, r, b = ' ', '\n', '\'', '~', 'r', '\\'
body = r'{self.imports}\n\n\nclass {self.__class__.__base__.__name__}~' \
r'({ascii_lowercase[:3].upper()}):\n\n~' \
r'{s}imports = {unmap(list(map(repr, self.imports.split(n))))}\n\n~' \
r'{s}@abstractmethod\n{s}def print_code(self):\n{s}{s}...\n\n\n~' \
r'class Quine({self.__class__.__base__.__name__}):\n\n~' \
r'{s}def print_code(self):\n~' \
r'{s}{s}unmap = lambda x: x[0].replace({q}d{q}, {q}d\\\\n{q})~' \
r' + f{q} \\\\\\n{{s}}{{s}}{{s}} {q} + x[1]\n~' \
r'{s * 2}s, n, q, t, r, b = {q} {q}, {repr(n)}, \'\\\'\', ~' \
r'{q}{t}{q}, {q}r{q}, {q}{b}{b}{q}\n\n~' \
r'{s * 2}body = {r}{q}{body.replace(t, t + q + s[1] + b + n + ~' \
r'3 * s + s[:3] + r + q)}{q}\n\n~' \
r'{s * 2}exec(f{q}print(f\"{{body.replace(t, \"\")}}\"){q})\n\n\n~' \
exec(f'print(f"{body.replace(t, "")}")')
Some people might not like using exec
, but I think it’s fair game. To verify that this is a quine, you can save the above code in
and run python3 | diff -
(make sure to have one newline after Quine().print_code()
). Of course, much shorter quines are possible in Python, notably:
from Wikipedia, but it was fun to make something a bit longer work.