- [03/2025] StacKAT andNetKAT Automata Learning conditionally accepted to PLDI.
- [01/2025] Named an ACM Fellow.
- [05/2025] Lecturing at the SRI Summer School on Formal Techniques.
- [01/2025] Presented at NUS Computer Science Research Week in Singapore.
- [12/2024] Received a gift from the VMware University Research Fund.
- [12/2024] It Takes a Village: Bridging the Gaps between Current and Formal Specifications for Protocols accepted to CACM.
- [11/2024] Appointed Associate Dean for Research for Bowers CIS.
- [09/2024] Network Design Considerations for Trading Systems accepted to HotNets.
- [08/2024] Appointed Vice Chair of DARPA ISAT.
- [08/2024] Computing Precise Control Interface Specifications accepted to OOPSLA.
- [06/2024] Served as PC Co-chair of HotNets with Behnaz Arzani (MSR).
- [05/2024] LANCER placed 2nd in TTCP CAGE-4 Challenge.
- [04/2024] KATch: A Fast Symbolic Verifier for NetKAT accepted to PLDI.
- [10/2023] Served as Chair of 2023 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award Commitee.
- [10/2023] Distinguished Paper Award for Formal Abstractions for Packet Scheduling from OOPSLA.
- [09/2023] LeArning Network CybER agents (LANCER) grant from DARPA.
- [08/2023] On sabbatical at EPFL, hosted by the Data Center Systems Lab (DSCL).
- [06/2023] Robin Milner Young Researcher Award from ACM SIGPLAN.
- [06/2023] Formal Abstractions for Packet Scheduling accepted to OOPSLA.