I am broadly interested in theoretical computer science and a member of the theory group at Cornell University. Here is a brief bio and a CV.

Click here to find a complete list of my publications.

I co-organize the Cornell CS theory seminar. Drop me a line if you are interested in giving a talk!

Please read this before sending me an email!

Current PhD students:

Former PhD Students (with first employment):


Program Committees: FSTTCS 2017, FOCS 2018, RANDOM 2020 , CCC 2022 , ITC 2022 , STOC 2024, SODA 2025 , ITCS 2025, RANDOM 2025 (PC Chair), FOCS 2025.

Some Organizational Activities

Funding: Sloan Research Fellowship, NSF CAREER Award, NSF CRII

Other writings
Invited survey article: A Recipe for Constructing Two-Source Extractors
ACM SIGACT News Complexity Theory Column , June 2020 issue

General audience article: How random is your randomness, and why does it matter?
with David Zuckerman.

Personal: I am married to the wonderful Soubhagya Chattopadhyay and father to Meera.