Student Research Workshop

Call For Papers
Program Committee
Submission guidelines
Formatting guidelines
Contact information
Main Conference


Below several files are supplied that describe the formatting for HLT-NAACL'03 papers. 

Please note:

  • NEW: Camera-ready versions of the paper are due on 11 April 2003
  • Student papers are restricted to 6 pages
  • Camera-ready versions should not be anonymized.  
  • Do not include page numbers
  • Note the original style files specified 11 point, but this has been changed to 10 pt. 
  • NEW: Authors must fill out and return a copyright form (MS Word, html) to the workshop co-chairs by 11 April 2003

PDF file illustrating the format: hlt-naacl03.pdf
Postscript file illustrating the format:
Sample LaTeX file: hlt-naacl03.tex
Style file for LaTeX: hltnaacl03.sty
Bibliography formatting file for LaTeX: acl.bst
MSWord dot file:

  You will need an electronic version of your paper in Portable Document Format (.pdf).  Note this is a change from the announced CFP: we will not accept PostScript, Microsoft Word, or Rich Text Format.  However, please do not let format be a barrier to submission; if you have significant difficulties generating PDF, please contact us.

Some suggestions on generating PDF.

  • CERN offers an e-mail service for converting documents among various formats.
  • Using LaTeX:
    Make sure to do
    Use pdflatex if you can, otherwise
    latex myfile.tex
    ps2pdf13 -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFont
    dvips -Ppdf -G0 -o myfile.dvi
    The last command has G(zero) not GO.
  • Under Windows, you can set up a postscript printer and then print to file, to generate PostScript. Converters are available (ps2pdf under unix) to generate PDF from ps.