BUG IN ps3 SOURCE CODE????????
Student 1
Thu, 22 Sep 94 22:47:46 EDT
In answer to our own question, the only thing we
could think of is that the call to advisor at the
end of the flet within the make-advisor function
is not being called correctly.
We came to this conclusion after fooling around in the transcript window. For instance we typed:
Betty %> cs-advisor
Similar to the aformentioned call for advisor at the end of the flet... It returned:
#<FUNCTION cs-advisor ((<function> student) (<sentence> student-response) (<history> history))>
Which seems really similar to the error we were getting.
Are we correct in our conclusions, and if so how should the code read?!!
Refers to:
Primitive Function returned from call to conference Student 1 Thu, 22 Sep 94 17:07:04 EDT