Welcome to one home of INFO/COMM 6400 for spring 2012. The main home, where the action takes place, is on piazza.com, where readings, assignments, and student work and discussions are posted. Cornell folks can sign up using their email and register for the class on their own.
From this page, you can see the syllabus and an (evolving) high-level list of topics.
If you have trouble accessing the course, please email me (Dan Cosley) at drc44@cornell.edu.
You can get a feel for how the course might be by going to https://confluence.cornell.edu/display/AHCI/Home, which is a version of the course I taught a few years ago. We're likely to have newer readings, a somewhat different (but not too different) set of topics, and a little more discussion and less design, but the basic plan is there.