Curran Daniel Muhlberger

Gates Hall 462
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

Academic appointments

2019–Lecturer of Computer ScienceCornell University


2008–2014PhD in PhysicsCornell University
2004–2008BS in Physics
BS in Mathematics
BS in Astronomy
University of Maryland, College Park

Professional experience

2022, 2024Senior GNC engineerSpace Exploration Technologies
2021Senior space lasers engineerSpace Exploration Technologies
2020Control systems engineerSpace Exploration Technologies
2014–2019Software engineerSpace Exploration Technologies
2008NASA Academy research associateMarshall Space Flight Center
2007Applied research mathematicianFort Meade, MD
2006–2007Technical staffUMD Institute for Advanced Computer Studies



CS 2110: Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures

Cornell University

Semester Enrollment Co-instructor
FA24411Owolabi Legunsen
SP23643Michael Clarkson
FA22587Andrew Myers
FA21462David Gries
SP21 (virtual)564David Gries
FA20 (virtual)499David Gries

CS 5150: Software Engineering

Cornell University

Semester Enrollment Co-instructor

CS 1132: Short Course in MATLAB

Cornell University

Semester Enrollment Co-instructor
FA1924Daisy Fan

CS 1112: Introduction to Computing Using MATLAB

Cornell University

Semester Enrollment Co-instructor
SP21 (hybrid)141
SP20104Daisy Fan
FA19153Daisy Fan

Teaching assistant

SP12, SP10PHYS 2208: Fundamentals of Physics IICornell University
SP11PHYS 1203: Physics of Heaven and EarthCornell University
SP09PHYS 1204: Physics of Musical SoundCornell University
FA08PHYS 2207: Fundamentals of Physics ICornell University

Project advising

SP24CS 5999: Masters of Engineering ProjectLibrary and web interface for calibrating exoplanet habitability indices (co-advised with Prof. Lisa Kaltenegger)
FA19–SP24CS 4999: Independent Reading and ResearchFlight software and chipsat software for Alpha, flight, simulation, and ground software for PAN, and flight, simulation, and ground software, navigation, and communications for Cislunar Explorers student satellite missions
FA20–SP24Undergraduate major advisorDepartment of Computer Science, Cornell University
FA23CS 5999: Masters of Engineering ProjectHardware-in-the-loop testing of flight software for Alpha student satellite mission
SP20–SP23Faculty advisor / Principal InvestigatorCislunar Explorers student satellite mission
SP23CS 5999: Masters of Engineering ProjectWeb-based telemetry analysis frontend for Cislunar Explorers student satellite mission
SP23, SP22, SP21CS 1998: Freshmen and Nontechnical Team ProjectsVR outreach for Alpha, ground software for PAN, and fight and ground software for Cislunar Explorers student satellite missions
SP22, SP21CS 5999: Masters of Engineering ProjectAdapt optical navigation system to Ecliptic avionics platform
FA20CS 5999: Masters of Engineering ProjectFlight software for PAN student satellite mission
SP20Engineering Communications sponsorDocumentation for PAN student satellite mission
SP20Client for CS 5150: Software EngineeringGrading for Canvas


  1. Curran D. Muhlberger. Challenges and Techniques for Reproducible Simulations. Computing in Science & Engineering 25, 04, 42-46 (2023).
  2. Nick Tacik, Francois Foucart, Harald P. Pfeiffer, Curran Muhlberger, Lawrence E. Kidder, Mark A. Scheel and Béla Szilágyi. Initial data for black hole–neutron star binaries, with rotating stars. Class. Quantum Grav. 33, 225012 (2016), arXiv:1607.07962 [gr-qc].
  3. Roland Haas, Christian D. Ott, Bela Szilagyi, Jeffrey D. Kaplan, Jonas Lippuner, Mark A. Scheel, Kevin Barkett, Curran D. Muhlberger, Tim Dietrich, Matthew D. Duez, Francois Foucart, Harald P. Pfeiffer, Lawrence E. Kidder, and Saul A. Teukolsky. Simulations of inspiraling and merging double neutron stars using the Spectral Einstein Code. Phys. Rev. D 93, 124062 (2016), arXiv:1604.00782 [gr-qc].
  4. Kevin Barkett, Mark A. Scheel, Roland Haas, Christian D. Ott, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Duncan A. Brown, Béla Szilágyi, Jeffrey D. Kaplan, Jonas Lippuner, Curran D. Muhlberger, Francois Foucart, and Matthew D. Duez. Gravitational waveforms for neutron star binaries from binary black hole simulations. Phys. Rev. D 93, 044064 (2016), arXiv:1509.05782 [gr-qc].
  5. Nick Tacik, Francois Foucart, Harald P. Pfeiffer, Roland Haas, Serguei Ossokine, Jeff Kaplan, Curran Muhlberger, Matt D. Duez, Lawrence E. Kidder, Mark A. Scheel, and Béla Szilágyi. Binary neutron stars with arbitrary spins in numerical relativity. Phys. Rev. D 92, 124012 (2015), arXiv:1508.06986 [gr-qc]. Erratum Phys. Rev. D 94, 049903 (2016).
  6. Curran D. Muhlberger, Fatemeh Hossein Nouri, Matthew D. Duez, Francois Foucart, Lawrence E. Kidder, Christian D. Ott, Mark A. Scheel, Béla Szilágyi, and Saul A. Teukolsky. Magnetic effects on the low-T/|W| instability in differentially rotating neutron stars. Phys. Rev. D 90, 104014 (2014), arXiv:1405.2144 [astro-ph].
  7. M. Brett Deaton, Matthew D. Duez, Francois Foucart, Evan O'Connor, Christian D. Ott, Lawrence E. Kidder, Curran D. Muhlberger, Mark A. Scheel, and Bela Szilagyi. Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers with a Hot Nuclear Equation of State: Outflow and Neutrino-Cooled Disk for a Low-Mass, High-Spin Case. ApJ, 776, 47 (2013), arXiv:1304.3384 [astro-ph].

Conference papers

  1. Aaron Zucherman, Kelly Jawork, Aaron Buchwald, Abhinav Naikawadi, Charlie Robinson, Eashaan Kumar, Elliot Kann, George Orellana, Michael Zakoworotny, Oren Alon, Sydney Rzepka, Van Adams, Curran Muhlberger, Mason Peck. 2020. “Cislunar Explorers: Lessons Learned from the Development of an Interplanetary CubeSat,” Proceedings of the Small Satellite Conference, Pre-Conference Poster Session II, SSC20-WP2-23.


  1. Andy Bohn, William Throwe, François Hébert, Katherine Henriksson, Darius Bunandar, Mark A. Scheel and Nicholas W. Taylor. What does a binary black hole merger look like? Class. Quantum Grav. 32, 065002 (2015), arXiv:1410.7775 [gr-qc].


  1. Magnetic effects on the low-T/|W| instability in protoneutron stars. APS April Meeting 2013, Session Y14. Denver, CO.


  1. Basis functions for neutron star interiors. Advances and Challenges in Computational General Relativity (2011). Providence, RI.
  2. On-orbit performance of the GLAST Burst Monitor. NASA MSFC Summer Intern Poster Session (2008). Huntsville, AL.


2022Excellence in Teaching awardCornell Bowers College of Computing and Information Science
2016, 2017“Kick Ass” award (2×)Space Exploration Technologies
2009Outstanding Teaching AssistantAmerican Association of Physics Teachers
20082nd place in science (poster contest)Marshall Space Flight Center
2008Outstanding Undergraduate in the CollegeUMD College of Computer, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences

Service & volunteering

2024Employer Relations committee (representing Bowers CIS)Cornell University
2021–2024Project teams grading committeeCollege of Engineering, Cornell University
2021–2023CS lecturer hiring committeeDepartment of Computer Science, Cornell University
2019–2023TA training facilitatorDepartment of Computer Science, Cornell University
2020TA training (under COVID-19) committeeDepartment of Computer Science, Cornell University
2020Panelist: “Applications of CS”ACSU, Cornell University
2012–2014Website and photography chairExpanding Your Horizons workshop, Cornell University
2010–2014Student Library Advisory CouncilCornell University
2010–2011Renovated Physics Educational Computing FacilityCornell University
2009–2011Vice President for CommunicationsPhysics Graduate Society, Cornell University
2010Lead TA training facilitatorDepartment of Physics, Cornell University
2009TA training facilitatorDepartment of Physics, Cornell University
