Carlos Nieto Granda


I am a Senior Student at Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Estado de México. My major is on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ISE).   Since August 2003, joined as a research assistant in Mechatronics Research Center (CIMe) in the project "Sensor-Based Robotics", fully supported by NSF - CONACyT grant under 36001, and Mobile Robotics Research Group at Tec de Monterrey CEM 2167 - CCEM - 0302-07.   My advisors are Dr. Ricardo Swain-Oropeza and Dr. Rafael Murrieta-Cid.

Actually, I am a Research Intern doing a Research Internship in Cornell University at the Computer Science Department.   I am working in the development of some Computer Vision Algorithms in "Spatial Structures for People Recognition".        My advisor is Professor Daniel Huttenlocher.

Research Interests

My research interests are in the areas of computer vision (computation of visual correspondence, object recognition, detection and tracking), mobile robots navigation in outdoor and indoor environments, image processing, robot teleoperation, digital electronics development, artificial intelligence and network security.

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