Basic information
CS 6210 is a graduate-level introduction to numerical linear algebra.
Topics include:
- Background: floating point, cache architecture
- Linear systems and Gaussian elimination; structured linear
- Least squares problems
- Unsymmetric eigenvalue problems
- Symmetric eigenvalue problems
- Iterative methods for linear systems and eigenvalue problems
See the syllabus for more information.
- 12/10: Solutions to the practice final
are available.
- 12/3: HW 6 problem 2 has been corrected.
- 12/2: The final is Monday, 12/14, 2-4:30 in Olin 218.
- 12/2: Reminder: grades and solutions to the midterm and all
homeworks (except HW 6) are posted on CMS.
- 12/2: A practice final has been
- 11/30: Homework 6 is due by December
Files are: poisson3d, poisson3d_rhs, pc_gs, pc_2grid
- 11/16: Homework 5 is due by November 25.
- 10/30: There was an update to Problem 3 on HW 4.
- 10/29: Homework 4 is due November 11.
- 10/21: The midterm exam was handed out
today, and is due in class on Monday, October 26.
- 10/15: There is another minor correction to problem 1. If i = p[j]
then A(i,j) should be beta(j), not beta(i). (Otherwise, the matrix ends
up being nonsymmetric).
- 10/14: There is a correction to the statement of problem 1. The
correct condition on p is that p[i] < i. Some of you have noticed
that we would want p[i] > i if we were doing a standard elimination
via MATLAB sparse routines; if you like, you can reverse the ordering
inside your routine to match this, but you should undo the permutation
at the end of the calculation so that your code works with the test
- 10/14: The files p1test, p1testgen, and p1todense should be used to test your
implementation of problem 1; use p2test and
p4test to test problems 2 and 4. You don't
need to write any code for problem 2, but should you be interested,
here is the source for constrained_ls and a test driver p3test.
- 10/7: The midterm will be handed out October 21, due October 26.
The final will be on the afternoon of December 14.
- 10/7: Homework 3 is posted, and is due
October 21.
- 09/23: Homework 2 is posted, and is due
October 7.
- 09/23: Homework 1 solutions are on the CMS page.
- 09/18: Some notes on homework 1 are
- 08/31: Homework 1 is posted, and is due
September 21.
- 08/12: Lectures begin on Friday, August 28.