2015-05-07: A practice final is up.
2015-05-05: Some review notes are up.
2015-04-27: PS8 has been posted.
2015-04-14: Proj 3 has been posted (due next Thurs).
2015-04-06: PS7 has been posted.
2015-03-18: PS6 has been posted.
2015-03-09: Proj 2 has been posted.
2015-02-28: Added links to 2015-02-18.
2015-02-27: The practice prelim and solution are both posted.
2015-02-27: The project prompt has been amended to reflect hints given on Piazza and in office hours, to reflect the extra credit status of Tasks 7-8, and to give an example optimization result.
2015-02-23: PS5 is up! Due next Monday, Mar 3. This should be an easy problem set; it is mostly meant to keep you from focusing on the project to the exclusion of thinking about the least squares lectures.
2015-02-22: The initial deadline for PP1 is extended to Monday, March 2.
2015-02-19: The final exam schedule has been published; our exam will be on Thursday, May 14 at 7 pm.
2015-02-18: Project 1 is up! Initial due date is next Friday, Feb 27. Remember, you can work in teams of two.
2015-02-02: PS3 is up! Due next Wednesday, Feb 11. I aim for PS4 to be back on the regular Monday-to-Monday schedule.
2015-02-01: Prof Bindel will hold extra office hours on Mon, Feb 2, from 3:30-4:30 and on Tues, Feb 3, from 1:00-2:00. Hours this Wednesday will take place at the usual time (1:30-2:30), while hours for Thursday are moved to 11-12.
2015-01-28: Thurs office hours are cancelled. There will be a lecture on Friday, though it may be a guest lecture. Deadlines for PS1 and PS2 have been deferred to next Weds (Feb 4) and Fri (Feb 7) respectively so people can make office hours if needed. But please don't procrastinate -- use Piazza and Friday OH as much as possible!
2015-01-28: Office hours today are cancelled.
2015-01-26: Prof Bindel is out sick. Class today is cancelled.
2015-01-25: OH for Bindel will be in Gates 425 Weds 1:30-2:30 and Th 10-11 this week, i.e. the usual time. The conflicting meeting on Thursday was moved to 11-12.
2015-01-25: OH for Brandon will be in Gates G15 from 5-7 pm on Friday.
2015-01-25: Turns out our book is available as an ebook! You probably need to be on the campus network to access it.
2015-01-24: PS 2 is up a couple days early! Due by Monday, Feb 2.
2015-01-23: OH for Thursday, Jan 29 will be moved from 10-11 to 11-12. I will also be available by appointment.
2015-01-22: Please submit PS1 problem 2 as ps1water (fixed typo).
2015-01-21: OH for Thursday, Jan 22 are canceled due to conflict with a pre-arranged exam. I will be available by appointment.
2015-01-21: PS1 is up! Due by next Wednesday, Jan 28.
2015-01-19: Welcome to CS 4220! I have populated CMS and Piazza with the current enrollment, and will try to semi-automatically keep these up to date. But if you add or drop the class, please drop me a line to let me know.